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Rural Planning Design And Research Under The Cultural Context

Posted on:2017-01-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L H WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After the founding, especially since the reform and opening up, as the overwhelming majority of rural people living Chinese settlement in through the natural,slow, after the formation of the organic phase, the face of rapid urbanization in the background, in the alien civilization and modern civilization double under the impact, a historic and profound changes and progress coexist with the crisis. The traditional "bottom-up" gradual evolutionary pattern corresponding reflected in the extraordinary rapid transformation in many incongruities, free evolution letter rural settlements need to "top down" scientific guidance.The emergence of similar excessive current rural planning and stereotyped way,ignoring the authentic rustic beauty, which makes more construction planners should focus on rural context and heritage. Cultural context is rural planning design of the soul,the two are closely linked, is closely related to the development of rural heritage and historical context of our contemporary people can not shirk responsibility. From the cultural context of related concepts and evolution of development start by rural planning and design elements of context analysis, we came to the conclusion based on the Rural Planning and Design under the heritage policy context.
Keywords/Search Tags:rural planning, cultural context elements, methods and strategies
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