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Aesthetics Study DF Yangling Agricultural Landscape

Posted on:2017-03-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330485978902Subject:Landscape architecture planning and design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of society, more and more serious environmental problems, crowded cities and high-paced lifestyle make people more pastoral life longing for nature in her spare time, the pursuit of natural ecological beauty. Agricultural landscape unique idyllic scenery and honest rural folk attracted many urban dwellers. Currently, in the country, some of the rural landscape planning model will be copied from the urban landscape planning, resulting in the loss of agricultural landscape features. How to protect and digging local characteristics, it is the moment worthy of discussion. As China Yangling Agricultural Hi-only state-level demonstration zone, it is our nation’s agricultural origin, with a strong agricultural origin and unique competitive advantage in agriculture.Based on the Yangling Agricultural landscape aesthetic research, the purpose is to make people pay more attention to the US agricultural landscape, provide some theoretical basis for the Yangling Agricultural Development. Aesthetic agricultural landscape, promote the rational and effective development of the agricultural landscape design, help protect the ecological environment, meet the people’s pursuit of beauty; to overcome the negative effects of agricultural technology generated by the enhanced harmony of agriculture and the natural environment, to achieve ecologically sustainable development; and can carry forward the spirit of Agricultural Sciences, to promote agricultural science and technology to improve awareness; not only increases the aesthetic aspect of the content, but also have important implications for agricultural landscape planning.Through literature review and analysis of information on agricultural landscape aesthetics in-depth understanding of developments at home and abroad; fieldwork by grassroots survey to find a series of construction and agricultural issues Situation Landscape Planning and Design of the New Countryside in Yangling exist, the basis for the current situation in the agricultural landscape problems were collected summarize, providing first-hand information for further research papers; interdisciplinary research, agricultural landscape aesthetic research to be done by interdisciplinary, it is a complex system engineering. We need to draw ecology, aesthetics and other disciplines; case analysis, this paper aims to cases in parts of the agricultural landscape, analyzes its basic overview summarizes the agricultural landscape design aesthetic characteristics and problems, and ultimately draw on relevant application design technique of expression Yangling agricultural development.Thesis research and analysis agricultural landscape aesthetic rules, and review the basis of aesthetic theory under Yangling agricultural landscape embodied the aesthetic characteristics: the traditional agricultural landscape of formal beauty and the beauty of life and production of modern agricultural science and technology landscape of the United States, and applied in practice Yangling small river flow back surrounding agricultural landscape planning.
Keywords/Search Tags:Yangling, agricultural landscape, landscape planning, aesthetics
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