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J Factory Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) Project Development And Application

Posted on:2017-03-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W H HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330485485283Subject:Project management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, the domestic enterprises are committed to the development and application of enterprise decision support system, ERP, PLM and other front-end information systems, while less traditional production management implementation of Information Management. Between the traditional production process at the top of the enterprise information system and primary site control system, due to lack of contact with the upper and lower layers, which makes the production process into a black box of information, therefore, how to break the black box, change the production process too transparent and real-time information flow, the entire process of tracking, master production dynamic, real-time transmission of data and information sharing has become an issue of great concern to the modern enterprise. Based on this, manufacturing execution system (Manufacturing Execution Systems, MES) application development and more attention.In this paper, J factory MES project as an example, introduces the domestic and foreign enterprises and DEC System Development Project Status information and application of project management theory and knowledge systems were reviewed for MES production, development, function modules are outlined. Study on the development and application of MES project background, deletion function J factory production MES exist in the organization where the executives of the issues raised the necessity of MES implementation of the project and proposes the application of project management system project management MES project. This paper focuses on the processes and effects MES project implementation were analyzed, focusing on the use of project management theory to start with the decision MES project planning and design, implementation and control, completion and acceptance of research and application, finally MES project in J plant implementation effect are described, noted MES project design of all functional modules can be achieved, to achieve the production information management integration from the enterprise level to the control layer, MES realized production planning, manufacturing processes, materials and storage of all aspects of the timely transmission of data and information sharing, to solve the information black box J factory production process problems, significantly improve the level of information of its production process.In the MES project implementation process, the project team full application of project management knowledge and methods to help the project team conducted a scientific project management, and achieved good results. Practice has proved that the PMBOK is not only applicable to the general conventional projects, it is equally applicable to highly technical professional, technical complexity and high degree of information technology MES project.
Keywords/Search Tags:Information systems, manufacturing execution system, MES, project management, Application
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