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The Research Of Non-Linear Form Design In Architectural Space

Posted on:2017-02-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B YangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Due to the continuous development of science and technology,accelerate the pace of people to explore the world, people are more and more aware of the essence of the world is actually a complex and nonlinear, which established a series of complexity science theory system, taking the opportunity of the basic theory of nonlinear science have continued to develop. Today’s digital information age’s arrival, the people’s social life changed dramatically, diversified, network development, under the influence of architectural space showing uncertain,complex and dynamic nonlinear trend. "Nonlinear" this new concept in the construction industry has quietly formed a huge wave, so that the construction industry has been a huge impact.Under such a background, a large number of architects have invested the huge wave, and due to the innovation of technology,more and more nonlinear architectural form into the actual building, appear in form of elegant, flowing and "soft" on the side of the people, to attract more and more people’s attention.At the same time, it also attracted my attention, and inspired me to study the deeper level of nonlinear science.Firstly, architectural space, under the influence of the background of the times today’s trends-- to the nonlinear transformation and development, combined with the complexity science philosophy theoretical derivation and expressing ways of the nonlinear characteristics of architectural space form,is deduced according to the architectural space in the nonlinear shape design of many methods and strategies. And in the form of nonlinear space construction of intention as the basis, the nonlinear form design is divided into to create space for the purpose, to visual effect for the purpose of, and to express the function for the purpose of three direction for research and discussion.Based on nonlinear theory of Philosophy in the research,and the classic case of contemporary architectural nonlinear space analysis, combined with the author’s own nonlinear design practice, sorting out the a set of relatively complete nonlinear shape design method, hope to be able to provide with practical guidance and help to the practice of architectural space in the non line shape design.Nonlinear morphological features in the paper, forms and methods of design does not include all, the reality we cannot list all design methods, I mainly based on its nonlinear formdesign experience and to some of today’s architectural space in nonlinear case analysis and the summary, proposed with representative nonlinear shape design method.
Keywords/Search Tags:Non-Linear form Design, Building space, Visual Expressing, function expressing
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