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Southeast Asian Style Interior Design

Posted on:2016-05-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W Y LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330470470566Subject:Industrial design engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
brom ancient times to the present, people are constantly improving their own living environment. With the rapid development of economy, the real estate industry is in a phase of unprecedented prosperity, people’s living standards improve, the quality of life are increasingly high requirements. So the family living environment becomes a long-discussed topic, today’s interior design should not only be based on aesthetics, functionality above, but also consider the ambience, cultural connotation spiritual level requirements.As a typical hotel room interior decoration in contemporary interior design in the form of theme to find a breakthrough. Stereotyped patterns of rooms designed by consumers have a more personalized design.Hotel room interior style has changed dramatically in recent years, has become a creative and personalized attract consumers flagship. In addition to enjoying the people sitting in the room were tired, more experience in the room by the theme of the scene to bring the feelings, sensory stimulation and cultural insights. Rooms on the function has been greatly enhanced, the spiritual realm to expand to meet the modern high quality of life pursuit. For the moment this phenomenon will elaborate the hotel room interior style to Southeast Asia style theme as the research direction, featuring interior design hotel room to seek better and newer concepts, designed to break the conventional argument, and to open a new hotel interior design design ideas.
Keywords/Search Tags:Southeast Asian style, interior design, Lincang City, reception rooms
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