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Car Sharping Style Design Research

Posted on:2016-08-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Chinese Automobile Industry now is experiencing a phase of rapiddevelopment. Comparing what happened in the mid sixty’s, which workers simply putsofa and wheels together, the manufacture technology and production capacitynowadays have both achieved significant progresses. However, at the same time, wehave to admit the fact that our automobile design is still largely in a primary stage.In order to meet the mass consumers’ demand for a better user experience, thedomestic automobile manufacturers gradually pay more attention to the automobilemodeling design and they even hired a number of returned overseas automotivedesigners involved in the design. With the auto industry environment continues tooptimize, there are more and more domestically designed automobiles. Comparing tothe more mature European and American automobile styling system, we are still in thelearning and exploration stage. The current situation of the domestic automobilestyling is not just caused by education system and the scarcity of talent, but alsomainly caused by our lack of automobile design experience and the understanding ofits internal laws.Faced with such a situation, this thesis is taken the analysis of current productionautomobiles styling as a core and it is based on case study to analysis the changes ofautomobile design. The thesis aims to explore the external manifestation and inherentdesign ideas of today’s automotive sharpening designs and to find out how thesharpening design idea influences the mass consumers’ automotive aesthetics, andfinally the methods of contemporary automotive sharpening design style will beextracted. Through analyzing the artistic characteristics and modeling features ofautomobile styling, the future direction of automobile styling will be explored andpredicted, which can add some insights to the design and development of China’s autoindustry.
Keywords/Search Tags:sharping style, car style design, design style, industrial design
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