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The Selection And Design Of Main Engine

Posted on:2015-10-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J B LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330467950629Subject:Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the shipping m arketdem and season, ow ner is m ainly used to im prove the speed of the ship navigation and increase transport flights for enlarging the operating incom e to im prove the econom ics of ship operation. B ut in the shipping m arket dow ntum, increasing operating incom e is difficult and reducing operating costs has becom e the m ain w ay to im prove the econom ics of ship operation. As the pow er equipm entand fuelconsum ption of the m ain ship equipm enf,the engine m ust carries on the reasonable selection and use to reduce the fuel oil consum ption under m eeting the needs of the engine pow er of the operating speed. That has im portant significance to im prove the econom ics of ship operation.In this paper, the target is reducing the fuel oil consumption. To reduce ship oil consum ption, the key perform ance param eters characteristic, relationship m easures and restriction factor on the m ain engine selection are analyzed. At the same tim e, the selection process and the selection principle about fuel consumption is determ ined. The ways and m ethods of selection engine are pointed out by linking the fuelconsum ption factors analysis and engine selection layout The new type and new technology of engine m akerM A N B&W is sum m arized.This is foundation that reducing the fuel consum ption of the analysis results and the optional products technology together for the selection specific engine type.The m ethod and process of engine selection is seted up from im proving the engine econom ic aspectThe using of N avy coefficientm ethod and chartm ethod estim ate the engine pow er. The speed range is determ ined according to an alternative engine type and the propeller diam eterrange is selected by the form ula. The param eters of alternative engine w ere optim ized under the design speed. The engine type and pow erpointare finally determ ined by com paring fuel oil consum ption and econom ics for the various alternative type and pow er point B ase on analyzing the relationship betw een speed, engine pow er, fuelconsum ption, and com bining w ith engine part load technique, the optim ization m ethod of the econom y of the engine part load is proposed and dem onstrated.In order to m ake sure the engine transverse vibration in the reasonable range under engine selection speed range, the top bracing is designed and selected for vibration reduction on ship. Through the com parison of hydraulic top bracing and m echanical top bracing for reducing vibration on ship m ain engine,the selection m ethod and principle of top bracing is established.A ccording to the requirem ent of engine running for operation of the ship and based on specialm akerof engine selection, it is studied engine selection and design on the ship design stage.It is associated reducing the fHel consum ption of tHe analysis results w ith the optional products technology in study process.The study have som e practical significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Main engine selection, Fuel consumption, Performance parameters, Vibrationreduction, Top bracing
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