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Guided Aircraft Ground Testing And Parameter Setter System Software Design

Posted on:2016-11-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W S XiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330461470762Subject:Control Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Aircraft in flight test, developers need to conduct a background in real-time vehicle management and operation, you need to build a human-computer interaction model aircraft ground testing PC software, enabling communication, fault diagnosis for aircraft that parameter settings, steering performance testing behavior. MFC platform to build a computer problem using the admin interface, add all kinds of self-control and typesetting aimed possible through the serial data communication, the process of checking problems mission to ensure the realization of the function of each module structure, thus completing the normal operation of the aircraft.Research focused on the following aspects:(1) build-guided aircraft ground testing and parameter binding with MFC interface system software, including the serial communication module, the system self-test module parameter setting module, module performance testing, launching determine modules; (2) learning and applying the VC comes with serial communication control MSComm, it is an ActiveX control software system that can provide fast communication interface for the application; (3) aircraft detection system is mainly on the flight parameters of each flag, latitude and longitude, battery state, steering state safety inspection; (4) aircraft parameter settings for height, pitch angle, azimuth and other parameters simulation settings, and adjust the servo reversing rudder feedback according to the debugging information; (5) learning and applying MATLAB software to mathematical parameters of two-dimensional graphics, and grafted MFC aircraft management interface, to achieve the aircraft trajectory simulation; (6) on the one hand through the acquisition of aircraft performance testing to verify yaw data, on the other hand adding sine wave sweep method for steering dynamic performance testing.Final build aircraft design simulation platform, connecting communications equipment, test aircraft MFC PC interface displays all the data is valid, whether the aircraft simulation model aircraft built in response to the ground according to the MFC parameters and binding system, especially if the adjustment rudder surface According to the requirements of the swing. Are the test results to verify the performance of qualified software design.
Keywords/Search Tags:VC++, test, module, simulation, guidance
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