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Research On Landseape Artistic Conception Of Cliff Inscriptions In Mount Tai

Posted on:2016-01-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W GuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This article mainly arranges the cliff carved stone landscape of Tai Shan road, expounds the historical evolution of Tai Shan cliff stone carving(divided by historical stages), According to different layouts of Tai Shan cliff stone carving, we summarize and classify them, then compile statistics and draw tables;The research analyzes the factors how the stone landscape of Tai Shan became human culture from natural material form; analyzing five artistic conceptions from the stone landscape of Tai Shan, such as Mark, cry, Purify the mind, seclusion and misty supplemented by stone scene self, the landscape form of artistic conception, borrow scene senses the point analysis, reflects the landscape features of the integration of historical culture and natural landscape. Finally, based on the aesthetic value of the mountain landscape environment, personify the stone carving.Through multidimensional analysis and research of the stone carving, from the perspective of landscape element, history and humanity, aesthetic value, we expound its value and meaning, in order to let the treasure of Chinese culture get further study and more comprehensive heritage.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cliff Inscriptions in Mount Tai, Artistic conception, Artistic conception construction
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