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A Study To The Gulangyu Coastal Landscape Design

Posted on:2012-04-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F Z ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330452961825Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Blue sea surrounded by the Castle Peak Pinnacle, a pleasant climate of the harborcreated a beautiful city-Xiamen. With Xiamen across the sea is the garden of thesea Gulangyu, the unique charm of natural landscape and cultural landscapeconstitutes a national level (5A) place of interest "Gulang the Moon Gate" beautyspot. As the colonial powers of modern empire, in the area of only1.88squarekilometers of islands forming a blend of Chinese and Western collision with "Museumof Historical Buildings" celebrated a small Western-style a storied building, formthe distinctive cultural landscape resources Gulangyu. On the other hand, the seagods created Gulangyu unique, beautiful and diverse coastal landscape and becomean important part of Gulangyu scenic, and accompanied by a further ring road throughthe island, the coastal landscape as tourists in Gulangyu leisure, sightseeing, relaxthe best place for recreation. According to city planning in Xiamen, Gulangyucontrolled detailed planning to determine the nature of Gulangyu scenic nationalscenic spots and tourist resort of island. Therefore, in recent years the commercialarea is Gulangyu an unprecedented rate spread, resort hotels have sprung upeverywhere, catering and hotels, small shops and other assorted sharp increase, andalong with the continuous improvement of tourist facilities, scenic tourists alsosignificantly rise.Therefore, this paper is the development of scenic spots in Gulangyu andcommercial background to the theory of the coastal landscape design, based on thestatus of the Coastal Landscape Gulangyu depth study, from its natural, geographical,cultural, environmental and other factors of space starting the use of literaturesearch methods, field visits,case analysis,etc, in-depth analysis of the successfulaspects of coastal and landscape design and the problems they face, and puts forwarda coastal landscape of sustainable development proposal, analysis of the currentdrum Road Gulangyu encircle the sustainability of the coastal landscape and thechallenges facing the underlying causes of Drum Road, Central, presented Gulangyusustainable development of the coastal landscape is the fundamental task of landscaperesources of the "protection and development."This article is divided into five parts: first, introduction. This study outlinedthe background of the coastal landscape dynamics at home and abroad, of the objectand scope, purpose and significance, methods and technology roadmap and relatedconcepts. Second, the introduction Gulangyu the natural environment of the coastallandscape have the background and social and cultural background to explain thecourse of its development, and the summary. Third, at the base of the natural, geographical, cultural, space environment, then introduce the general situationGulangyu coastal landscape, in-depth analysis of the status of its existing resourcesand features of the landscape and coastal scenery to the ferry terminal for the pianotypical cases more specific, more specific analysis to the point, and in-depthinterpretation of the coastal landscape design Gulangyu the form and content, thenfinally make a summary of this part. Fourth, in the first, second and third chapterof the basis of summing up the coastal landscape Gulangyu problems and reflect onthe current and proposed Gulangyu coastal landscape protection and developmentproposals.
Keywords/Search Tags:gulangyu, coastal landscape, landscape design, landscape elements
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