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The Landscape Design Of Sanatorium

Posted on:2015-07-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F F BiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330452468164Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since90ages, our country started becoming aging society. The increasing of oldpeople and the percent age of the level of aging has started being the main phenomenonof the population changing last country. Therefore, to face this huge society revolution,old-age care has becoming a big problem in our country. The main issue that old-agecare should solved is the place old people live. Sanatorium is the key part of the socialpension plan, it is not only provide a individual living environment, bund up with family,but also provide professional service and care. recently, sanatorium has been noticed bymore and more old people. Now, Although there have a lot of sanatorium in our country,the building function, planning programming, landscape and environment design still ata primary level. Lack of deep research about the living needs for old people and thesituation of old people live. All of this make many troubles to old people’s life andcommunicate. The universality of sanatorium still do not get more deeper socialapprove in unitary society.This article started at the basic rule about landscape science and genomics, and thegrowth process of international sanatorium, summarize useful point and flash point, thedisadvantage of our sanatorium in landscape built at present. Then, through severalsides, like from old-people’s mentally and physiologically needs for living place, livingactivity model. Using these sides to create research. Expounding and analyze aboutfunction. Plants configuration, basic facility, color set of sanatorium. Eventually,preliminary discuss about the recovery construct, facility configuration of thesanatorium. And learn the interchangeability of sanatorium, attention and value to old people. This essay means to through the research of landscape design and functionabout sanatorium. Hope it could offer some helps to landscape design of sanatorium.
Keywords/Search Tags:sanatorium, landscape design, the elderly, rehabilitation
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