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Large Waterfront Community Planning And Design Research

Posted on:2015-10-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Urban waterfront community plays an important role in the urban environmentand urban culture, with the advance of rapid social and economic development andmodernization, waterfront community planning and design more and more nationalattention. Natural ecological function and landscape features waterfront communitiesmentioned an important position. People benefited from this boom, also a lot ofproblems. Improve waterfront community landscape, providing people with anecological green space and recreational space, to the harmonious developmentbetween man and nature, has become the target of waterfront landscape construction.Especially for waterfront planning and design of urban communities, should retain itsown natural background, focus on the development of ecological landscape design, inthe pursuit of economic development while protecting the city’s waterfront landscapeecology district property.Therefore, how to improve the urban landscape waterfront communities, thedevelopment of ecological landscape design, providing people with a naturalharmonious ecological green space has become an important goal and arduous task ofurban waterfront community landscape construction.This topic planning issues related to the design of large-scale waterfrontcommunities through a preliminary study on the waterfront by the analytical concepts,features, and landscape features; summarized the domestic waterfront landscapedesign theory and construction of the ecological situation Research and summarized,and combined with the characteristics and requirements of the development of China’surban waterfront communities, landscape ecology theory applied to real cases to showa specific form of waterfront planning and design.Paper is divided into six parts:The first part is the introduction of a large waterfront community planning anddesign research background, purpose, content analysis and analyzed by research statusat home and abroad waterfront planning and design, and leads to the argument of thisarticle: to explore a people-oriented science ecological planning and design ofwaterfront road. The second part, through the concept of waterfront, urban waterfront communities ofanalysis, combined with the living environment, ecology, landscape ecology,landscape ecology planning and other related theories richer for waterfront planningand design theory analysis.The third part analyzes the problem (Chapter III) The subject of the planning anddesign of urban waterfront communities to analyze, from planning and designprinciples, analytical planning and design of urban waterfront community, secondfrom planning and design methods, elements of design features, planning and designmorphology waterfront planning and design to analyze several parts waterfront.The fourth part to solve the problem (Chapter IV) in this part of the analysis ofwaterfront development problems first analyzes, the problems of development in theurban waterfront, followed by the problem, the coast·s further developmentrecommended water area.The fifth part of the case study (Chapter V) This part by actual cases, the use ofspecific examples of waterfront planning and design analysis.The sixth part is the conclusion. Through the study of this article, on the basis ofthese findings, concludes the paper summarizes the contents of the study and pointedout deficiencies, and planning and design of large waterfront communities putforward specific requirements.
Keywords/Search Tags:The waterfront district, Planning and design, Landscape ecology
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