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A Study On The Design Method Of Shading In Temperate Climatesin Yunnan Province

Posted on:2015-09-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W Q ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330422972650Subject:Degree in architecture
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The industrialization and urbanization of our country is on the key stage of fastdevelopment. In the second decade of the21stcentury, the energy consumption ofbuilding industry accounts for more than one-third of the total energy consumption.Adhering to the road of sustainable development, driving the building energy-saving,handling the climate change appropriately, which has became the major strategic issuerelated to national economic development.As per the partition of the civil building thermal design code GB50176-93,temperate region of our country mainly distributes at several southwest provinces,including most of Yunnan province, portion of Guizhou province, Sichuan province, andTibet Tibetan autonomous region. All of these places belong to less developed area ofour country. Yunnan province is the most representative province of temperate region.Most of the city and population concentrate in temperate region. Because of thetemperate climate condition, the contradiction between changes in temperature ofbuilding is not outstanding. This area belongs to traditional non-heating air conditionarea. Yunnan temperate region basically belongs to low latitude plateau area with bigsolar altitude throughout the year, high atmospheric transparency and strong solarradiation. The building sunshade is the important economical measure in this area toimprove the indoor thermal comfortable environment in summer and drastically reducethe energy consumption for air conditioningFrom the results of current study of building sunshade design in our country, theconcern of study mainly focus on the heat characteristic of building sunshade. Only fewstudies will research from the point of building design procedure and method, and mostof these studies focus on the portion of sunshade element rather than to analysis thewhole building sunshade system. The study scope is relatively narrow.This paper chooses the whole sunshade system as the subject of study with a focuson the process of sunshade design to conduct method research of building sunshadedesign in Yunnan temperate region and carry on the confirmation and improvement inpractice through the literature research, interview survey, case study, application ofsimulation and so on. The main research contents are as follows:The key point and principle of building sunshade design in temperate regionThis paper aims to master general method and content of sunshade design, which were analyzed comparing with the sunshade design background, sunshade designcondition and current situation of application, and draw a conclusion that the key pointand principle of building sunshade design in temperate region through the analysis ofbasic knowledge of building sunshade design and similarities and differences of diversethermo technical partition sunshade design.The procedure and method of construction for sunshade design in temperateregionOn the basis of key point and principle of sunshade design in temperate region, thispaper aims to conduct research for related issues of sunshade design and construct thedesign procedure and method of building sunshade involved the entire project processto suit temperate region in the overall building project process (including project plan,building monomer design and detailing design).The design and optimization method of key part sunshade elementThis paper conduct the special study for the key point of sunshade design (doorsand windows sunshade elements design) and summarize the relevant design procedure,computing method, key data and optimization technique and so on to make sure thepractical application effect of building sunshade element.The practice of building sunshade design method in Yunnan temperate regionOn the basis of relevant research results of this paper, the results applied to thesunshade design of actual engineering project in Yunnan temperate region to verify thepractical significance of research results and to supplement and improve the researchresults in combination with practical experience.
Keywords/Search Tags:Temperate region, Yunnan, Building sunshade system, Sunshade element, Design method
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