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The Pension Villa Living Space Design Of The High-end Crowd

Posted on:2015-10-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y JinFull Text:PDF
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China has a rapidly aging population in the development stage, but for now dueto various factors, we attach importance to the quality of life of the elderly in hislater years is not enough, resulting in a large number of pension villa design blank inthis field. In this thesis, research data, social surveys, and other aspects summarizedchannels for pension villa design more comprehensive integration and innovation,and through actual case design, the theoretical results of tests carried out goodpractice and correction, thus the results obtained in this thesis.Papers from the elderly physiological and psychological needs as the startingpoint, based on analysis of the design principles and design of the pension house,through the analysis of the heart, physiological, behavioral characteristics of theelderly, from ergonomics and aesthetics to locate, draw a pension Villa ’scomfortable, convenient, safe, healthy and environmentally friendly designprinciples. Then, through the indoor space and outdoor space analysis to illustratespecific design elements pension villa living space designed by the elderlypsychological, physiological, behavioral science, ergonomics and interior space,respectively, from the color, lighting, materials, function and other major startingpoint for elaborate and detailed design elements. Finally, the use of functionaldesign aesthetics combined with relevant examples of transformation theoryanalyzes the design elements pension villa living space, and related design practicesin order to build through the specific pension villa living space design methods andphilosophy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Pension Villa, Space Design, People-oriented
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