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Parameterized Design Of Core Agencies In HDZ-80Type Drug Auto-packaging Machine Based On UG

Posted on:2015-12-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Z SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330422477545Subject:Mechanical engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the increasing popularity of packaging machinery in the pharmaceuticalindustry, there are increasing quantity of medicinepackaging machines.Because thedifferent three-dimensional of products by the drug manufacturers,but geometricelements like shape is similar.So there have differents in the core agencies betweendrug packaging machines supplied to different manufacturers.So for each differentproduct orders, Manufacturerst have to make corresponding modification on coreinstitutions. This modified spend a lot of energy of design engineers, while alsopostpone delivery time. This topic build parameterized graphics library for the coreagencies of HDZ-80type drug auto-packaging machine. Just enter design parameters,The system will automatically generate a new three-dimensional diagram of drugpackaging machine Core Agencies.This Paper mainly described the following parts:1. Establish the the main parts mathematical models of the core agencies in drugpackaging Machine. Analysis the main dimensions of the each parts need to beparameterized, and the secondary dimensions associated with main dimensions.2. Establish the the main parts three-dimensional models of the core agencies indrug packaging Machine.By studying a variety of modeling methods,Build the modelcan achieve parameterized goal.This paperadding theexpression associated withsizein the modeling process.Through the analysis of the kinematics coreinstitutions,Relevance the size of the core agencies.By modifying the mainparameters,Update the values ofthe ancillary parameter.To update the part shape,toavoid the error of component size.3. Write parametric design program. In the Visual C++6.0platform, usingUG/Open API prepared parametric design applications. Generate dynamic link libraryfiles. The dialog function driven by the programming language.To achievesystemdesign features.4. Man—machine interface design. Using UG/Open MenuScript created a usermenu. Using UG/Open UIStyler produced dialog. Design a good man-machine interface. Implement user interaction with the UG system. Meet the functionalrequirements of the userBased on the above studies, this paper established a parametric design system ofthe core agencies in drug packaging Machine. Achieve a user simply enter the maintechnical parameters can get the main parts models of core agencies. The system hasbeen tried by manufacturers. Meet the basic design requirements.
Keywords/Search Tags:Drug packaging machine, UG, parametric design, further development
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