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On The Renewed Studies Of Urban Public Space From The Perspective Of Cultural Engrams

Posted on:2015-01-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C X XuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper probed into systematically the value,function,memory factors,basicprinciple and concrete ways in the design of urban public space from the perspective ofcultural memory theory.This paper divided into five parts, with the concept of citypublic space and cultural memory as a starting point, based on the value and function ofcultural memory in the urban public space design and the elements, and then analyzedpublic memory, finally put forward the public space design principles and scheme basedon cultural memory. Specifically:The first part: As to the current city public space problems, this paper proposedsolutions to these problems,that is, to pay close attention to the city context and culturalmemory. The main review of this paper based on this.This paper then explained themethod, the purpose,the value and and the significance.The second part: focused on urban public space and cultural memory concept,characteristics, classification problems, and pointed out that cultural memory was anindispensable dimension of city public space design and construction principles, and itis due to the neglection of cultural memory design principles, that led to the city publicspace thousands in one side, imitating each other, and the loss of function.The third part: the value and function of cultural memory in the city public spacedesign. Research points out, cultural memory is the spirit of the ties between the basicactivities of human consciousness and the people and the city, respect for culturalmemory is not only to respect the humanistic idea of city design, it has important valuein enhancing city cohesion, protection features of the city, improve the city corecompetition force and the protection of the diversity of national culture.The fourth part: the cultural memory elements of unban public space. The memorycarrier studied city public and elements, including three parts of the scene, symbol,activities, and explore their role in the public memory characteristics and rules.The fifth part: discussed the principles and Strategies of city public space designand cultural memory. Based on the above factors on the classification of culturalmemory, in accordance with the humanism, integrity, suitability and participationprinciple, to the design of city public space by optimizing the memory resources, andstrengthen the structure order, highlight the subjectivity and the spirit of place, suit one’s measures to local conditions, appropriate design strategy, efforts to create a full memoryvalue, desirable urban space.
Keywords/Search Tags:Urban public space, Cultural engrams, Cultural memory, Memory factors, Renewed studies
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