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Study On The Knitwear Sculpting Design

Posted on:2016-02-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q Z JinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2271330470978292Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Fashion is just like a kind of sculpting art, which has developed profoundly in all aspects, such as the social politics, economics, culture, science, etc. and its value has already broke through the traditional significance of covering the body. The pursuit of beauty in form turns to be the most significance objective of the present fashion design, while the sculpting is one of the important contents in the aesthetics form of garment. With the constant development of knitwear fashion industry, the market diversification and individualization grows stronger and stronger. Besides the pursuit of comfortable and environmentally-friendly knitwear products, consumers also set higher demands on the beauty in form. It is critical to find practical methods and expand the design thought in the sculpting design field of knitwear.The design concept of modern knitwear pays more and more attention to the sculpting, which results in the emphasis on the value of art on the premise of satisfying the human figure and functions. The sculpting can break through the regular form of human body, and meanwhile, it can also blur, weaken or reinforce the human figure by taking the exaggerate expression of the fashion partially or completely and sculpting in all perspectives. In this paper, the fashion sculpting is divided into decorative sculpting and functional sculpting in theory through analyzing the relation between the human figure, functions and sculpting. On the premise of satisfying the human functions, it mainly takes the decorative knitwear sculpting design as the foothold, and discusses the knitwear sculpting design. Such classification method will help designers to clarify the design direction better before the design.In the sculpting design process of knitwear, the greatest distinction from garment of other materials shall be the particular knitting technology. The design technique from line to surface and from surface to the body results in the fact that the sculpting design of knitwear must consider the nature and structure of yarn, as well as the technology of forming the knitting fabrics, namely the organization structure of knitting in the first place, which shall be the unique charm of knitwear. It makes the knitwear like the fiber artwork, the wire and needle forms varying organizational structure after complicated and orderly knitting. Such visual and touch texture feeling is incomparable. Consequently, the author mainly starts from the source of knitwear sculpting, namely the sculpting of hosiery yarns, and studies the performance of hosiery yarns, as well as the impact of structure on knitted fabrics. Starting from the most significant link of knitwear fabric technology, namely the organizational structure, the impact of sculpting on the knitting garment is explored. By starting from the secondary sculpting of knitwear fabrics, the sculpting of knitwear fabric is enriched. Meanwhile, the relationship between the human figure and knitwear sculpting is analyzed by combining two spreading fashion sculpting contents, namely the cut piece sculpting and outline sculpting. Moreover, the regular cut-piece sculpting, irregular cut-piece sculpting and particular cut-piece sculpting is summarized in the knitwear cut-piece sculpting design through practices, as well as the case analysis of domestic and foreign knitwear, and meanwhile, the regular cut-piece sculpting, irregular cut-piece sculpting and particular cut-piece sculpting is summarized in the outline sculpting field. Finally, the feasibility of the above sculpting design method is verified from the material sculpting, cut-piece sculpting and outline sculpting of knitwear with graduation design. This paper mainly discusses the knitwear sculpting design from all perspectives by focusing on the sculpting, and it opens a new situation for the knitwear sculpting design, changes the traditional impression of knitwear, endows the sculpting with beauty in form, and reaches the dual objectives of figure beauty and fashion beauty.
Keywords/Search Tags:human figure, knitwear, sculpting design
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