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The Designs Of Safety Facilities Aboat Annual Output Of 100 Tons Of L-2- Aminobutyrate Hydrochloride

Posted on:2016-03-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H B WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2271330470460059Subject:Chemical Engineering and Technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The design is to produce 100 tons L-2- aminobutanamide hydrochloride safety facilities project design, L-2- aminobutanamide hydrochloride is an important pharmaceutical intermediates, mainly for epilepsy, anticonvulsant drugs synthesis.The design process route to 2-bromo-butyric acid as a starting material, after the chlorination reaction of thionyl chloride, aminated reaction of ammonia, L- racemic tartaric acid, and finally with the hydrochloride salt, to obtain the target The product L-2- aminobutyrate hydrochloride.When the design of the product using the above process route industrial production, there are some unstable product quality situation, after analysis, the reason is that there is no good control of the reaction conditions in production engineering, precise control of the material feed is no, the reaction temperature, the pressure not optimized, resulting reaction can not achieve the desired results, therefore, this paper carried out the relevant aspects of the above process route safety facilities designed to improve the control of the reaction conditions, the optimal synthetic route.The main contents of this safety facility design include: process system security design, general layout design, facilities and pipeline safety design, electrical safety design, automation instrumentation and fire alarm system design, security design of building structures, fire safety design, emergency design and safety measures in institutional settings. Design achievements include: design text, production companies total floorplan with control point flow chart, workshop equipment, la yout, design of electrical facilities, fire facilities design, layout automation system(gas detection alarm layout, fire alarm layout, video surveillance layout)Through this project designed to improve production conditions L-2-aminobutanamide hydrochloride requirements, so that production companies can safely and successfully carried out large-scale production, to business development planning goals.
Keywords/Search Tags:L-2-aminobutyrate hydrochloride, Crafts, designs of safety facilities
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