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Synthetic Study On Regional CO2Emissions Mitigation In China

Posted on:2015-08-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M J WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2271330452955280Subject:Thermal Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The issue of global climate change has been increasingly concerned. The greenhousegas, as the main factors, has been dramatic. The call for carbon dioxide reduction is gettinghigher. As the world’s largest carbon dioxide emitters, we also bear the increasing pressureto reduce carbon emissions. Based on the coal-dominated energy structure, carbon dioxideemissions will always be accompanied by for a long time. This paper focuses on the carbondioxide emissions analysis in order to find out the main factor affecting carbon emissionsand put forward the proposal for the carbon emissions reduction research in China.First of all, the paper analyzes per units of GDP carbon dioxide emissions from1990to2010in nine areas (province or city). This areas includes Beijing, Hebei, Shanghai,Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shandong, Henan, Hubei and Guangdong. Then, the paper analyzessub-industries of our country carbon dioxide emissions from2005to2011. Finally, thepaper takes a game theory analysis between the coal-fired power plants and the governmenton the development of CCS technology and carries on the technical evaluation on the threekinds of CCS technology. The research framework of this paper can be summarized as: Tothe model method, the research on carbon dioxide emissions applies the decompositionmodel, while the research on carbon dioxide reduction applies the game theory model. Tothe research region, the area of carbon emissions is from the central and eastern regions tothe national level. To the research content, the paper takes consideration from the analysisof carbon emissions of history, to the evaluation of advanced carbon emissions reductiontechnology. To the research departments, the paper analyzes carbon dioxide emissions fromnine provinces to the three major industries and finally to the coal-fired electricitydepartment.Conclusion shows that: the carbon dioxide emissions, in which the secondary industryaccounted for more than90%, will rise constantly in our country. The main factors ofaffecting carbon dioxide emissions are the intensity of energy consumption and per capitaof GDP. From the result of game theory, as an emerging carbon dioxide conduction method,CCS technology needs the support and supervision of the government, also the cooperation of coal-fired power plant. The coal-fired plants and government should be unity together toovercome technical problem. We should promote CCS technology vigorously in order tocomplete the carbon dioxide reduction targets in our country. The oxyfuel-combustion CCStechnology can be the best economical efficiency by comparing the three kinds of CCStechnology.
Keywords/Search Tags:CO2Emissions, LMDI decomposition, predictive model, game theory, technicalevaluation
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