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Comparison Of The First Edition And Sixth Edition Of "Species Origin"

Posted on:2015-05-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ZhuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2270330431968760Subject:Philosophy of science and technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In this paper, based on the sixth edition and first edition of the original Englishversion of"Origin of Species", while the second edition as a reference object, it makes conclusions onDarwin’s deletion and modifications a from1859to1872, total of3195. In the first chapter, itsummarizes the background and the social impact of the formation of "The Origin ofSpecies". First it points out the formation of the whole process of Darwinian evolution andthereduction of Darwin’s scientific expedition and ideological change historical facts fromDecember1831to27October1836. Second, it contains a detailed record of the main contentand theoretical value of "Origin of Species” publishing process and its various versions. Inthe second chapter, it sorts out the changes in each version of the origins on the importantthoughts. Analysis on the profound meaning of "evolution","God" and "survival of thefittest" is represented by three important words and causes profound thinking on translationand expression. It points out that Darwin did not use "evolution" to denote the main reason ofbiological evolution, which differs his theory from Lamarck’s theory of evolution. And"God," Analysis of the Darwin term sparked religious views, and noted that in the "Origin ofSpecies" in the second edition of Darwin’s book has been added to the word. And that"survival of the fittest," the term for understanding the emergence of Darwin’s theory ofnatural selection is very important.In the third chapter, the ratio of the two versions of the translation work and thinkingcomes out. It records the changes between the "Origin of Species" and the first edition of thesixth edition of the chapters and data in detail. It points out that Darwin’s modificationsmainly focuses on five aspects: First, the title goes on personal.Compared with the firstedition, the words in the sixth edition would be more rigorous. Second, in the sixth edition,Darwin introduces more Lamarckian ideas. Third, Darwin cited more research and examplesof others in the sixth edition. Fourth, for the confusion of mass audience, Darwin adds anumber of more detailed explanations and instructions. Fifth, it deletes some seemingly bold,but not yet been conclusive view. Meanwhile it summarizes two main reasons for Darwin’samending. Darwin madesuch a large number of changes between different versions for twomain reasons: First, Darwin absorbed the recommendations from all aspects and whereas made a lot of deletions and correctionsbased on its origin, such as previously mentioned"depersonalized","more rigorous terms," and explanation on the confusion of readers.Second, new evidence emerged after Darwin published the first edition of Darwin’s discoveryat that time as well as some new material, which is the direct reason to make these changes.
Keywords/Search Tags:Darwin, "Origin of Species", translate comparison, modifications, modify reason
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