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Research On Financial Strategies Of Qinghai Huzhu Barley Wine Company

Posted on:2015-02-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C ChenFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the1980s,Foreign scholars began to study the management ofFinancial Strategy. Financial Strategy is an indispensable part inEnterprise Strategy. Enterprises strengthen the management of FinancialStrategy in order to collocate the financial resources reasonably, and alsoto improve their management efficiency of funds. Therefore enterprise’sprofitability increases and the sustainable development becomes possible.In this dissertation the author stand by the theory that the success ofQQKJ cannot be made without its precise management of FinancialStrategy.The dissertation consists of five chapters. Chapter1, the Introduction,presents the background, objective and purpose of this research. Chapter2sorts out the documentations of the Corporate Strategy and FinancialStrategy of both domestic and foreign enterprises. It illustrated therelationship between Corporate Strategy and Financial Strategy. Also thecurrent theory of Financial Strategy is elaborately discussed. Chapter3analyzes the financial environment of QQKJ, and focuses on theadvantages and disadvantages it may gain by analyzing the internal andexternal environment using the SWOT Model. Chapter4is the analysisof the Financial Strategy in QQKJ. It obtains the research on thefinancing、investing and distribution dividing strategy of QQKJ. Chapter4also analyzes the financial challenges facing ahead of QQKJ and puts forward the coping strategies. Chapter5concludes the whole research onthe Financial Strategy in QQKJ and raises suggestions for its futuredevelopment.The outstanding financial performance, the sustainable profitability,the sufficient cash flow and the fine financial status can be found throughanalyzing. QQKJ persists in formulating financial policies prudently,optimizing the allocation of resources and creating values forshareholders continuously. However the domestic liquor-making industryis facing its inflection point at present. QQKJ must raise its standard ofgovernance and strategy management. By doing that, QQKJ is able tostrengthen its core competence and make sure of its sustainable, healthyand steady development.
Keywords/Search Tags:QQKJ, Financial Strategy
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