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Cross-cultural Communication Management Of Chinese Overseas Investments Projects

Posted on:2015-01-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Mahamat Abdramane Goukouni G KFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330425985239Subject:Management Science and Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Following rapid emergence of China since1978, the country has attracted the interest of countries around the world. After welcoming of foreign investment, mostly from Western countries, it is the turn of China to spread its wings abroad and invest overseas. Seeking to take advantage of this new twist, Africa (Chad) wants to enjoy these investments in its economy. However, the business process can prove to be complex and difficult because of different culture of each stakeholder. The main results revealed following the investigation highlight the improvement targets, which are grouped under the following points:Behavior, Communication, Cooperation, Abroad Knowledge, Confidence and Control. To meet the challenge of managing cross-cultural communication, settlement of overseas Chinese companies must give importance to these six points as part of the business model of the company, that is to say at planning, organization, directing and control.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cross-cultural, Communication, Management, Chinese investments in Africa, FDI
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