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The Study And Design Of The Salary System For Tianjin Eye Ophthalmology Hospital

Posted on:2014-06-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y T XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330425965240Subject:Industrial Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This article is about the problems I encountered in the management of the EYEOphthalmologic Hospital and the solution I got through the study of the courses of themaster of engineering, combining theory and reality, and focusing on solving actualproblems. The EYE Ophthalmologic Hospital has been founded for twelve years, and I havebeen working for it for the last eight years, during which I experienced many problems, ofwhich the most sensitive and difficult was human problem. This article is focusing on theregulation and design of the salary system.At present, there are more than one hundred Ophthalmologic Hospitals in China. Theprivate ophthalmologic hospitals have roughly the same number as public ophthalmologichospitals. The EYE Ophthalmologic Hospital is the largest, and having the most branchhospitals in China. In another word, the EYE Ophthalmologic Hospital now has forty-fivebranch hospitals, which are all pure ophthalmologic hospital, not involving any othernon-ophthalmologic diagnosis and treatment items. To achieve a greater development, theEYE Ophthalmologic Hospital has to complete such core work as import, retain and trainpersonnel. And that exploiting an effective and competitive salary system is of course afundamental business for an enterprise survival.In this article, salary theories are summarized and designed, and the defects of thecurrent salary system are resolved. By analyzing the problems of the EYE OphthalmologicHospital salary system, and finding out resolves, this study employs such table design as jobevaluation and job classification, and through improving basic work such as employeehandbook, job description, etc., clearly define employee post ability and post appreciationstandard, so as to improve the fairness of the salary system.In this article, the example analysis of the salary system of the EYE OphthalmologicHospital is carried out, and by using the newly-learned salary theory tool, the salary designand implement plan are studied systematically, and put into practice, and as a result,improving the core-competitiveness further.
Keywords/Search Tags:Private ophthalmologic hospital, Salary design, Post sorting, Post ability
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