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The Research Of Chinese Real Estate Trust Development

Posted on:2014-03-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K TangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330425964785Subject:International business
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Real estate industry is an important pillar of our national economy, in recent years f China’s real estate industry is undergoing a rapid development, because the real estate industry itself is a capital-intensive industry, and it needs a lot of money, and the real estate industry has traditionally focused on financing channels Bank loans. Because the real estate industry has been strong controlled, the real estate industry financing channels is blocked, making some real estate business capital chain rupture facing the possibility of the development of the real estate,so direct financing channels are increasingly vocal. In this case, because the trust has a more flexible mechanism, and it becomes the new funding channel of these company. It has become a new source of funding channels for the development of the real estate trust. Trust funds into the real estate business being acquired funds to ease the financial pressure, but yet our real estate trust the real estate industry is not able to provide a full range of financial services, and in the international real estate development real estate trust is the main way of direct financing, so the development of China’s real estate trust it is very necessary.Firstly, we summary the development of Chinese real estate trust, mainly summarizes the development process of the real estate trust, while the mode of operation of the real estate trust were introduced, followed on China’s real estate investment trust market developments analyzed, and draws the basic characteristics of the real estate trust.Secondly, we introduce the American’s real estate trust prospects,on the basis of the legal aspects from product to China and the U.S. real estate trusts were compared, summed up U.S. real estate investment trust can be developed experience for our reference.Finally, in combination with earlier research, based on the results of China’s real estate trust for the future direction of development is the development of the Chinese version of REITS, and analyzed learn from the U.S. REITS practical significance, and pointed out that China’s development of the Chinese version of the four REITS possible paths, and finally the development of China for China’s version of REITS provide policy recommendations.
Keywords/Search Tags:the real estate trust, American experience, Comparativeanalysis, Direction of development
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