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Research On The Regional Non-equilibrium Development Of China’s Advertising Industry

Posted on:2014-11-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R C XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330425961432Subject:Journalism and Communication
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The advertis ing industry is an important part of the modern service industry andcultural creative industry, as well as the barometer of nationa l economic development.Due to historical reasons, China’s advertis ing industry began to boom gradua lly onlyafter the reform and open policy, and through30years of rapid developme nt, it hasbecome a significant driving force of China’s economic growth. However, constrainedby the huge gap among local economies and the immature structure of advertis ingmarket, the advertising industry is growing rapidly alo ng with serious non-equilibriumdevelop ment in regiona l, and it’s obvious ly that the regional gap is graduallyincreasing. This paper studies the status and influe nce factors of the regiona lnon-equilibrium deve lopment of China’s advertising industry, exp loring the inherentregulation to provide he lpful suggestio ns for promoting harmonious developme nt ofChina’s advertising industry.We adapt both qualitative and quantitative analys is methods to research thenon-equilibrium deve lopment o f China’s advertis ing industry. We found that China’sadvertis ing ind ustry exist serio us non-equilibrium pheno menon a mong differentregions from the overall ana lysis on the regiona l development le vel o f Chinaadvertis ing industry in the three aspects of advertis ing revenues, advertising businessunits, and advertis ing profess ionals. Result also reveals that the overall le vel ofChina’s advertis ing development is decreasing fro m the East to the West in the patternof spatia l distribution. Secondly, we analyze both the economic and non-economicfactors which influence the regiona l non-equilibrium deve lopment of China’sadvertis ing industry by using correlation ana lys is, and found the amount of regiona lGDP, the degree of market openness, residents’ education leve l, consumption leve l andcultural factors has a strong positive correlation to the development leve l ofadvertis ing ind ustry. We confirmed these factors have strong impact on the advertis ingindustry. Finally, we ana lyze the negative effect of the regional non-equilibriumdevelop ment of China’s advertis ing industry, includ ing the increasing gap amongregions and imbalanced industria l structure, and we put forward the countermeasuresto eliminate these negative effects, inc lud ing strengthening the regional cooperation,enhanc ing regio nal openness, constructing more advertis ing industry parks and implementing different policies among regions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Advertis ing indus try, Non-equilibrium development, Harmonious development
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