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The Study On Insurance Company Network Marketing

Posted on:2014-09-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H ChengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330425957275Subject:Business administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The internet has a quite fast development when it comes into the21thcentury. And the developments make some great changes in both the structure of societyand the ways people live. Recently, the quantity of netizens in the world growingquickly, but it only accounts for32%of the total population in the world. And this isshow the market of internet worldwide has a large room for growing. The sum ofbusiness transactions on internet presents a booming rise with the growing quantity ofnetizens. And the internet economy has gradually become a new economic entity. Theoriginal ways of the insurance industry are faced with a growth bottleneck because ofthe high costs at the present. And so the insurance industry begins to pay moreattentions to the internet channel, and gradually conducts net marketing to seek agrowth.This paper mainly studies the necessity of the insurance company conductinginternet marketing and the problems of the present internet marketing, and then come toa conclusion to internet marketing of insurance. In the second chapter, I firstly have anunderstanding of marketing and internet marketing by reading corresponding articles,and then know clearly about the develop course and new theory of internet marketing.Then I summarize the strengths of internet marketing according to the charters ofinternet marketing itself and some case information about internet marketing at homeand abroad. In the third charter, I firstly give a fundamental introduction on Ping AnInsurance Company, and then analyze the present status of its internet marketing andpoint out its problems, which is Ping An does not provider consumer with a sense oftrust and its partial understanding of internet marketing. In the fourth charter, I come toa conclusion to the internet marketing of Ping An Insurance Company, which includesthe Integration of network marketing strategy, the means of Weibo and SNS, and the principle of internet marketing. Lastly, the paper insists that Ping An Insurancepositively take the Integration of network marketing strategy, taking full advantage ofthe opportunity of the coming internet economics boom, and develop its corecompetitiveness to realize the last growing target.
Keywords/Search Tags:Insurance, internet marketing, conclusion
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