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Study On High-end Property Marketing Strategy Of SAGA

Posted on:2014-09-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G H LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330425467942Subject:Business administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the government cancelled the polity of housing distribution and begun toimplement new policy of Commercial housing mortgage in1998, the real estate hasdeveloped around15years. The land resource is non-renewable and makes the price ofland auction to surge exponentially. This phenomenon in real estate makes it as the bestchoice to investors or spectators. At the same time, property buyers think of theapartment as a residential purpose. The comfortability of the apartment, the rationalityof project planning and potential value-added will be considered critically by theconsumers. However, the property products combining high land price and highconfiguration have become the main-stream products in high-end properties of cities. InChengdu property market, except for native property developers, the propertydevelopers of tier-1and tier-2brands converged. Big property developersenthusiastically bid for lands so that a lot of high-end properties surged out. It bringsabout convenience and residential enjoyment to Chengdu residents. At the same time,they took all measures to develop the customers’ resource. In recent years, thoughproperty marketing agencies innovated a lot on high-end property marketing strategies,the sale results differ greatly in these properties.The author tries to find out the new thinking of high-end property marketingstrategies by comparing, researching and analyzing marketing strategies of two classichigh-end properties.First of all, the author adopts GPEST methodology to analyze macro-environmentand take the method of Porter’s five-force model to analyze the internal and externalenvironments of SAGA company. Then, the author will try to find out the troubles andpresent current status on formulating high-end property marketing strategies, andmoreover expose the negative influence on enterprises and development hindrances.Secondly, on two high-end projects, i.e. Poly Cambridge and Fairmont ChengduResidences, both of which SAGA are serving now, the author will analyze multiplelevels of applying the marketing strategies, analyze the customers’ informationcollected during the marketing processes. Then, the author will find out the advantagesand weakness on project positioning, marketing promotion, tactics formulation,activities designing of different spheres about these two projects. Then, through comparing and analyzing two projects and by using4R theories, theauthor recommended on high-end property marketing strategies: building up own brand.Establishing brand in all marketing stages, and realizing brand promulgation togetherwith marketing action, the property marketing agency will keep the popularity,reputation of the property and Word of mouth for a long run. Through paying muchheed to the reason why the customers want to buy a property as the key factor, theproperty marketing agency will establish benign interactions with clients and realizewin-win at last. It’s the only path for high-end property, particularly high-end propertywith a large volume.At last, based on research above, the author suggest SAGA company as follow, onformulating marketing strategies aiming at high-end properties: establish the brand ofhigh-end property, transfer the differential value of projects by digging the corecompetence of projects and then shape projects’ brand to serve the project marketing.
Keywords/Search Tags:SAGA, real estate agents, High-End Property, marketing strategy
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