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Chongqing Low-income Groups Housing Security Problems And Countermeasures

Posted on:2014-12-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330425459597Subject:Regional Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Housing problem, especially in the housing problems of middle-low-incomegroups, is an important livelihood issues. Housing problem is related to the people tolive and work in peace and contentment and vital interests, is also related to socialstability and fairness, especially low-income groups in the30%~40%of urban residentsin our country, how reasonable and properly addressing the housing problems of thispart of the group, has become an important livelihood issues urgently to be solved inthe government.This article’s research object is the housing problem of the middle-low-incomegroups in chongqing. To better the housing security problems of themiddle-low-income groups in chongqing, it is necessary for the development ofaffordable housing system in chongqing to comb. By reviewing the evolution course ofhousing security in our country, this paper study of chongqing housing safeguard scopein the15years since1998, and can be divided into two stages:1998-2009is the firststage, the chongqing housing security reform practice period, chongqing’s housingsecurity system preliminary formation, the phase of the housing security mode mainlysubsidiary rental house and affordable house, emphasize construction is given priorityto with affordable housing system of multi-level housing supply; Since2010is thesecond phase, is new stage of chongqing housing security reform, this phaseemphasizes combining market supply and government security forces, to vigorouslydevelop public-rent-house construction as the focus, to public-rental-house as the mainbody of the "double track" system of housing supply, as the chongqing in the future aperiod of break the housing problems of the middle-low-income groups in the mainway.In particular,the first chapter is the introduction. Clarify the research backgroundand significance of this article, through reviewing and combing related literature, isproposed in this paper, the object of study. The second chapter studies the theoreticalbasis and related concepts. Based on the summary of the related literature material,extracted with four basic theory, this paper studies the key related including socialsecurity theory, public goods theory, consumer spending on housing filtering theoryand housing gradient theory, and the middle-low-income groups, and expounds theconcept of affordable housing. In the third chapter of chongqing citymiddle-low-income housing problems and cause analysis. According to the stage division of chongqing housing process, respectively in these two stages within thecontent of the implementation of the affordable housing policy, the implementationsituation, problems and the analysis of the reason in detail. The fourth chaptermiddle-low-income housing in the practice and experience both at home and abroadfor reference. Abroad, selected the United States, Britain and Singapore threedeveloped countries in the practice and experience to solve the problem of thedomestic residents housing, domestically, enumerates the public rental housingconstruction development situation of Beijing and tianjin. Chapter5perfectmiddle-low-income groups in the housing security countermeasures and Suggestions.In integrated based on the analysis of the above chapters, this paper puts forwardpolicy Suggestions to perfect the middle-low-income housing in chongqing. Chapter6conclusion and prospect. The main conclusion of full text summary, and points out thatthe article needs further discussion.
Keywords/Search Tags:Middle-low-income groups, Housing security, solution, Chongqing
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