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Brand Certification Used-car Market Strategy Based On Customer Satisfaction Research

Posted on:2014-11-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330422466151Subject:Carrier Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In this paper, based on the theory of customer value, customer satisfaction theory, brandtheory and core competence theory, analyzed the advantages and disadvantages in theused-car competition market from the pre-owned characteristic of the brand certificationused-car. In view of the analysis of the development of the certified used-car brand indomestic and the lower customer satisfaction about the brand certified used-car, this paperconstructs the evaluation index system of customer satisfaction, furthermore, discussed howto choose the customer satisfaction evaluation methods.Base on a large number of data, the view of several used-car expert and surveys of somebrand used-car enterprises, set up the customer satisfaction evaluation system of brandcertification used-car in line with the feasibility principle of selecting evaluation index. Withthe satisfaction of pre-owned customer as the core, the evaluation index system established6secondary indexes and25tertiary indicators. In the process of empowerment of evaluationindexes, by means of compare the AHP and G1method, finally adopted to the G1method ofsubjective values because it suit customer satisfaction evaluation index. Then consult theexpert, determined the weight coefficient of every index through the analysis.Take Dongfeng Citroen Longxin brand identification used-car for example, with themethod of anonymous questionnaire, randomly selected100Longxin certified pre-ownedcustomer as the satisfaction investigation object (very satisfied for100minutes, not entirelysatisfactory for0points), the results show that overall customer satisfaction low of77.297points. Meanwhile, the results also show that the lowest Customer satisfaction index Salesand service attitude only61.8points, then the post-sales service is63.3points, Purchase a carcost and Service fee respectively are69.7points and75.2points, the professional degree ofsales personnel only73.7points else. The investigation reflects that the current brand certifiedpre-owned in service personnel service skills(service attitude, professional degree, servicestandardization, etc) should be improved; At the same time, in the aspect of after-saleswarranty(including warranty policy、 process explanation、warranty scope、service attitudeand service timely), the low satisfaction should be improved. Through the Analysis of the survey results,it is not difficult to find that personnel’sservice ability and after-sale guarantee service should be main advantages of certifiedpre-owned, but because of the actual enforcement of these two aspects is not enough leads tothe low customer satisfaction. So some solutions is put forward at the end of this article, inview of the main reason of certified pre-owned customer’s low satisfaction, such as improvethe service ability and standardize the business process,through improving the enterpriseinternal training system and increasing the intensify of training; improving the customersatisfaction, through the strategy of effective communication with the customer during theprocess of pre-sale, sale and after-sale and implementation the warranty service commitmentsin a timely manner. Accordingly, to enhance the competitiveness of brand certified used-car inthe second-hand car market.Finally I feedback the survey results to the principal of Dongfeng Citroen Chengdudealers Longxin used-car department. With the consent and support of the enterpriseleadership, investigation the customer satisfaction of the certified pre-owned customer, afterhalf a year’s implement of the improvement Suggestions and measures proposed in this paper.Compared with before, the results of the survey show that the customer’s satisfaction increase.At the same time, marketing service, after-sale warranty service, professional degree and theservice cost index score has increased dramatically. This shows that the Suggestions andmeasures in this paper is effective in improve the customer satisfaction of the certifiedpre-owned. The achievement can be replicated in the whole brand certified used-carenterprises.
Keywords/Search Tags:brand, certified used-car, customer satisfaction, G1method, market strategy
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