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Wumeng Mountain Ethnic Corridor Industrial Poverty And Poverty Alleviation Research Of Industry

Posted on:2014-05-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y N ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330422457301Subject:Chinese Minority economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Poverty is still a problem in China and the world."China rural poverty alleviationand development outline (2011-2020)"14concentrated special difficult areas as themain battlefield of China’s poverty alleviation in future was determined, and theidentified ethnic corridor is one of them. Wumeng Mountain National corridor refers tothe Wumeng Mountain as the center of Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou provinces adjacentareas, traffic in the area is relatively backward, weak economic foundation, poverty isbig, deep poverty degree. To speed up the national economic and social development inWumeng Mountain corridor is not only an urgent need improves the well-being of localpeople, but also promote the development of the western region, promote the strategicchoice of regional sustainable development. Based on the identified ethnic corridor asan example, conducts the thorough research to the industrial poverty, effective path toexplore industry to help the poor, which is of great significance to national economicand social development in Wumeng Mountain corridor.Based on the identified ethnic corridor industrial poverty and poor industrymanagement as the main line, industrial poverty problems through the study of WumengMountain National corridor for the industrial development is not balanced, irrationalindustrial structure and eventually led to the industry, puts forward concrete measures tosolve the poverty, so as to the purpose of industry poverty alleviation. The thesis isdivided into five parts:The first part of the research background, related research, research significance,research method and framework of this paper; the second part mainly introduces therelevant theoretical knowledge of the industry structure and poverty alleviation; thethird part of the identified ethnic corridor development present situation analysis,investigates the phenomenon of poverty in Wumeng Mountain Ethnic corridor; in thefourth part, based on the concrete analysis three industrial structure Wumeng MountainEthnic corridor, empirical analysis is conducted by using location quotient theory, whichreveals the existence of industrial structure in Wumeng Mountain National corridor andthe industrial poverty conclusions; the fifth part through the analysis of basic industry collaboration Wumeng Mountain Ethnic corridor, the leading industry theory points outthat the leading industry in Wumeng Mountain Ethnic corridor, and the leading industrycluster effect presents path selection.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wumeng Mountain area, ethnic corridor, industrial poverty, industry ofpoverty alleviation
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