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Tibetan Traditional Thought Of The Economy

Posted on:2014-12-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C J NanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330401958361Subject:Chinese Minority economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Tibetan traditional economic thoughts are of unique characteristics related to Tibetan. After Buddhism was introduced to Tibetan, it fights and combines with Bon religion then it has great influences on local politics, economy and culture. In research of Tibetology, researches on Tibetan religion, history, politics, literature, painting, astronomical almanac work, medical and other fields can be easily found. However, concerns about the economic life of the Tibetan people is obviously low, which makes members of other nationalities think that the Tibetan is a nomadic group "live by the grass". Actually, in the long process of production, in Tibetan areas factors like the harsh natural environment, various economic styles, and a strong religious influence are critical to forming rich Tibetan traditional economic thought.First, by reviewing and summarizing the latest research achievements on Tibetan economy from Chinese and foreign scholars, the paper spatially sets Tibet as its main research subject, Qinghai, Gansu, Sichuan and Yunnan provinces as supplementing subject; and sequentially sets Tubo period to the democratic reform of Tibet as research period. Religious influence on Tibetan economic life, and those influences’ reflection in the Tibetan tradition economic thought will be the start of the research; the following will be research logic and methods.Second, starting from historical formation of Tibetan traditional economic thought, the paper will briefly analyze socio-economic conditions, cultural background and political conditions in traditional Tibetan society then preliminarily summarize economic thought from Tibetan economic activity. Studies suggest that Tibetan traditional economic thinking is rich in content, like they think both agriculture and animal husbandry are important, they pay more attention on conscience than profit, temple economy is both sacred and secular, advocate of frugal in their consumption thought, generosity in religions consumption, prorate exploitation ideas under the influence of religious taboos, the ban on killing and advocate of release, etc. These concepts gradually came into being when Tibetan is influenced by religion in a confined harsh natural environment, and they become Tibetan traditional economic thought with distinctive Tibetan characteristics.Finally, the paper will analyze the dual relations of combinations and contradictions between Tibetan traditional economic thoughts and modern economy. In process of modernization in Tibetan areas, the researchers said, only a clear understanding of similarities between Tibetan traditional economic essence and modern development ideas can make Tibetans realize the modernization of Chinese characteristic socialism in Tibetan areas and willingly contribute to it so as to reach the goal of construction of well-off society. Based on the realization, the paper is going to point out that, the Tibetan Buddhism which has great influences on Tibetan traditional economic thoughts, contribute a lot to Tibetan areas and South Asia’s regional economy development as well as the environment protection. Also the value of essence of Tibetan traditional economic thoughts is re-estimated under the background of modern Tibetan economy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tibetans, economic thoughts, production, consumption, taboo
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