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Study On International Cooperation Model Of Marine Drugs Ecological Industry

Posted on:2014-09-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330401483708Subject:International Trade
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Marine drugs ecological industry is becoming another high and new technicalindustry after the computer industry. As an integrated industry system involvingbiology, chemistry, medicine, economics, and management, a new drug of R&D andproduction is difficult to smoothly and quickly finish by one country. Marine drugsindustry needs the cooperation of the multi-countries to promote the growth anddevelopment of the industry. Therefore, based on the characteristics and developmenttrend of the marine drugs industry, the experience of international cooperation athome and abroad, and exploring the international cooperation model of marine drugsecological industry, it provides guidance for the healthy development of China’smarine drugs industry and realizes the substantial practical significance for theleap-forward development of the marine drugs industry.Starting from the basic research on international cooperation of marine drugs industry,this paper states the related concepts of marine drugs industry, eco-industry andinternational cooperation, and explains theories on international cooperation,industrial economics and game theory. Then, the article overviews marine drugsindustries in the domestic and foreign. It explains the marine drugs industry in Chinamainly from the present situation, the development and deficiency of marine drugsindustry. And it combines with the United States, Japan and the EU’s Marine drugsindustries. It draws a conclusion that our marine drugs industry has a gap. Theanalysis of the theoretical basis on the two angles of the possibility and necessity ofinternational cooperation, and it combines with the successful cases to carry on thepractice guidance. Based on these, it puts forward the idea of building theinternational cooperation model of marine drugs ecological industry.Combined with the concept of industrialization, the marine drug industry is dividedinto the resource supply, R&D, production, sales and trade links. In the resourcesupply link, it firstly evaluates the ecological value activities of marine drugsresources and digital displays the tremendous value of ecological cooperation. Then itanalyzes the international cooperation ways from fishing and aquaculture. In the second link, it uses with two means of the R&D network and technology alliance toachieve the purpose of international cooperation. The marine drugs production linkputs forward low carbon international cooperation production and subcontractproduction way. The last link of drugs sales and trade opens the domestic and foreignmarkets through the corresponding sales strategy, and realizes the economic value ofmarine drugs industry. Finally, from the perspective of the life cycle,it analyzes thecapital link in the whole industry chain, and puts forward capital cooperation wayscombined with the characteristics of each period. Through all aspects of internationalcooperation in the production, it builds the whole industry international cooperationmodel, and so as to obtain development countermeasures in the marine drugs industry.The innovation of this paper is mainly reflected in three aspects. The first innovationis research perspective. Based on the traditional marine drug on the clinical trialstudies, it combines with the related economic theory to analyze the economic valueand development mode of marine drugs industry. The second innovation is researchideas. This paper theoretically analyzes the possibility and necessity of the marinedrugs international cooperation, and combines with specific cases of successfulcooperation in practice. It draws the idea of building international cooperation mode.So the article has the rigorous study logic and enhances the credibility. The lastinnovation is research method. It adopts an approach by a local to a holistic. Firstly itlocally analyzes industrial chain of the resource supply, R&D, production, sales andtrade links, and analyzes capital link in the whole industry chain. Finally it draws theinternational cooperation network diagram of the entire marine drugs industry.
Keywords/Search Tags:marine drugs, ecological industry, model of international cooperation
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