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Research On Agricultural Innovation System And The Evaluation Of Innovation Performance

Posted on:2014-08-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y W ShiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330401475772Subject:Economic geography
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the21st century, accelerating the process of economic globalization, the agriculture had alsoentered the period of high-speed development, in breaking the traditional agriculture management model inthe process, new models of agricultural development were emerging, and became a new trend ofagricultural modernization, attracted the attention of academics, and agricultural innovation system conceptin this context was made. At present, the agricultural innovation system of concentrated in developedcountries abroad, and domestic study less, and agricultural innovation system based mainly on qualitativeanalysis, absence of empirical analysis and systematic study of the innovation system as a whole, reflect theState innovation system and development of innovation performance is rarely involved. Due to theformation and development of agricultural industrial clusters in the process absorbed most of theagricultural innovation resources, agricultural innovation system can be seen as an effective carrier. For thisreason, this article on the basis of previous studies, innovation system of agricultural industrial clusters as amedium to study agriculture. Agricultural innovation system in order to more thoroughly analyze theformation of profile elements, structural framing, composition, internal innovation networks and innovationdevelopment State at this stage, the article from the perspective of comparative analysis of selected Yanlingtown, clusters of flowers and trees industry in Henan and Shandong Shouguang vegetable industrialclusters as a case study of agricultural innovation system. We through field research gets two a agriculturalindustry clusters development overview, innovation network composition and contact and clusters withininnovation individual of innovation situation, and will this summary into related data, uses social networkanalysis, data package complex analysis analysis agricultural innovation system innovation networkstructure features and innovation performance, and on two agricultural innovation system network structurefeatures and innovation development State for comparison, concluded that following results:First, the agricultural innovation system is the effective way to realize agricultural modernization, itsformation and development of both under the influence of local natural and socio-cultural environment,there are people driving an important role. Agricultural innovation system embodied the effectiveintegration of resources related to agricultural development, for a concentration of resources advantage, toimprove agricultural productivity, effective approach to agricultural modernization process. A geographicallocal natural and socio-cultural environment impact characteristics of agricultural production anddevelopment, reflects the geographical environment of overall impact on regional agricultural development.People led to decision a period and developing direction of agricultural innovation.Secondly, agricultural innovation system structural characteristics of homogeneity, had displayed acertain degree of heterogeneity. In terms of homogeneity, primarily by innovation and the innovationsystem of agricultural innovation main body formation of ties of innovation networks, innovation mainbasic elements of similarity, innovation network is a collaborative network and knowledge networks to achieve effective flow of innovative resources within the innovation system. Heterogeneity, because of thedifferent characteristics of different agricultural innovation system, innovation main body composition isdifferent, while the innovation role embodied in different subjects in different innovation system. Moreinnovation network structure of agriculture rendered ties of different characteristics of different networkstructures, through the social network analysis is informed that (1) Yanling town, flowers and trees industrycluster innovation knowledge network renders core structures, universities, external enterprise and localenterprise is the key node of innovation. Yanling town, flowers and trees industry cluster innovation comesfrom the demand of the market and independent research and development of large enterprises. Highconcentration of knowledge networks, but lower density.(2) Yanling town, flowers and trees industrycluster innovation networks of core-periphery structure. Work as a combination of core enterprises,innovative achievements. Networking concentration less than knowledge networks, lower networkdensity.(3)The innovation knowledge network of Shouguang vegetable industrial clusters renders corestructure. Knowledge-enabled network comes from the innovation on the development of new knowledge,new technology, such as high speed needs. Knowledge network renders low network density, mediumconcentration of network characteristics.(4) The same core structure of a collaborative network ofvegetable industry clusters.Vegetable industry clusters cooperation networks to external peer enterprises,supplemented by the combination of production, teaching and researching.Knowledge network structureand network in cooperation with homogeneity, low network density, concentration of network medium anddownwards.Thirdly, the agricultural innovation performance is a valid indicator for the status of innovativedevelopment of agriculture. Yanling town, flowers and trees by using Data Envelopment Analysis industryclusters and clusters of Shouguang vegetable industry innovation performance evaluation has beenintegrated innovation efficiency, scale efficiency, pure technical efficiency. Integrated innovation efficiencyof Yanling town is better than Shouguang vegetable industrial clusters, description of Shouguang vegetableagricultural innovation systems, innovation and development are more reasonable than in Yanling towninnovation system of plants and is informed that the cluster size efficiency is the main obstacles affectingYanling town innovation system development of flowers and trees.Fourth, comparison and analysis of different agricultural innovation systems can be in-depthunderstanding of features and shortcomings in the development of agricultural innovation, conducive toguiding the innovative development of agriculture and local agricultural modernization. Comparativeanalysis of this article by two agricultural innovation system has been agricultural in the constituentelements of the innovation system and in the development of features, understand the internal structureagricultural innovation system characteristics and the differences that exist. On agricultural innovationperformance, in contrast, for the status of agricultural innovation system, innovation and development, butwith innovation system where there is a gap, to adjustment in a timely manner, guidance of agricultural innovation and development in real time.
Keywords/Search Tags:Agricultural innovation system, Innovation performance, Agriculturalindustrial clusters, Yanling of Henan province, Shouguang of Shandong province
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