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The Research On Medical Insurance Mode Of Urban Children In Shanghai

Posted on:2013-02-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y W CaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330374974513Subject:Social security
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Between earlier1950s and later1990s, the medical insurance system of urbanchildren in China faced with a lot of reforms, started from scratch and then went intonothing again. Until the basic medical insurance system of urban inhabitant sets up in2007, urban children in our country have not medical insurance. In this half a century,the medical insurance of children are always in an unstable state. For the purpose ofprotect the children’s health right, a lot of regions tried to establish their own systemsof children’s medical insurance in later1990s. However, after the basic medicalinsurance system of urban inhabitant sets up, all the local policy were canceled orpushed to the second line. For example, Shanghai formally established children’shospital mutual funds in1996. For years this mutual funds always maintain a “lowfinancing, wider coverage” public principle and provide against to the risk of medicalexpenses. In2008, Shanghai established urban resident basic medical insurancesystem, this two medical insurance composed a “double insurance” mode for thechildren in Shanghai. Nowadays, this medical “double insurance” mode has set up afile in the scope of protection and treatment level leading to the national averagelevels, it effectively guarantee the rights of children’s health. Nevertheless, the“double insurance” mode also has a lot of problems, such as fund managementdiversification, policy inclination shortage and poor social and economic benefits.Now, most of the social insurance type countries have established the familymedical insurance mode. This model not only effectively share the disease risk, butalso save the system management cost, realize the balance of justice and efficiency,just to make up for the Shanghai children’s medical "double insurance" mode of insufficient. Therefore, this article will take the family medical insurance mode as themain contents.The purpose of this study is to warn the defects of the existing system mode, andat the same time, through the research and appropriate reference on other countries,proposed a concrete plan on children’s family medical insurance mode.
Keywords/Search Tags:Family Medical Insurance Mode, the Basic MedicalInsurance System of Urban Inhabitant, Urban Children
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