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Research And Implementation Of Online Shopping System

Posted on:2015-01-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y F LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330428998840Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Today is an information network era, the way people work, live, study and other aspectsare inseparable from the network. People use the Internet to learn, to buy tickets, stocks, etc.Especially in recent years, online shopping is assiociated with people’s lives which hasgradually become an integral part of it.As a new business model,the main development basis of the E-commerce is theInternet,together and conduct business transactions through the network activity. But thisbusiness model to conduct business transactions must build a variety of e-commerce sites.Through the website people can find the product and understand the features and performanceof the product, etc. Under this premise people can trade with the traded companies.Apparently, the development of e-commerce website is of great significance for eachenterprise.In this paper a new online shopping system is developed and designed according tothe software engineering methods and theories, which mainly based on B/S model. WEBserver using IIS Information Server, the page design using JavaScript technology andVBScript technology, ACCESS background data to be used in several of them, so that, as adynamic interaction can only be done by the ASP.Online shopping became a part of people’s lives, our87%of Internet users feel that if onlineshopping can guarantee product quality and safeguard consumer rights, when the conditionsare ripe and people are still willing to online transactions.13percent were still holding theview that no matter what the network conditions are, they are reluctant in online transactions.But it is undeniable that the majority of people are still willing to shop online. Internet usersthrough registering to use the shopping system, and they can accord their own preferences tobrowse and purchase goods. It can enrich people’s lives and bring great convenience to people.Without going out, you can buy your favorite and satisfied products.
Keywords/Search Tags:Online Shopping, B/S model, ACCESS
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