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The Design And Implementation Of A Tax Audit Subsystem

Posted on:2014-04-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330425971268Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Taxation administration systems the core to the informationization of modern taxation systems where the development is based on microcomputer and large-scale databases, that are connected by wide area network. The system strictly adheres to code standards, data structures, interfaces standards and design guidance from the State Administration of Taxation. It is an assistive system that has absorbed the best practice of taxation the experience from the reform and opening-up policy.This dissertation first describes the entire system and features the audit subsystem; it also introduces the technologies used during the system development, for example, J2EE, ORACLE, SOAP, etc. By comparison and investigation of current taxation system, we claim the necessity and feasibility for the new system development. Then we described the requirements of this system, which laid the foundation for the implementation.Next we analyzed, demonstrated and designed the audit subsystem, which is an important component of the system and this topic. The audit subsystem is based on the whole system, while has a degree of independence from the whole system. We also demonstrate the key operations in this system.Finally, with the practical experience from daily work, the author summarize the requirements analysis and lessons during system development.
Keywords/Search Tags:Database, SOAP, J2EE
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