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The Design And Realization Of Network Scoring System Based On B/S Module

Posted on:2014-02-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H ZhongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330425968165Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development and popularity of CNT (computer and networktechnology) since the21stcentury, online scoring system, as a novel scoring system, hasgradually been applied and developed in varieties of exams. It is a revolution of conceptand future trend of paper-scoring, which brings more fairness and justice to variousexams and greatly improves the scoring speed and quality. Moreover, it offers valuableanalysis for foundational teaching research.The main points of the thesis are as follows:First, it gives the background and significance of the study in Wujiang District,where there are frequent and various exams but traditional scoring module is still used.Also it analyzes the status and development of the scoring system at home and abroad.Then, based on the high school and college entrance examinations and targeting atmiddle school students, the paper offers demand analysis of the online scoring system.According to demand analysis, it develops the system with B/S framework, WebServers as well as ADO technology, and SQL Server is used as its database. In order todesign software/hardware architecture, functional module and database, it introducessystem design principles. Based on the UML module, it further develops imagescanning module, objective/subjective questions scoring module and systemmanagement module. In addition, Black&White method is applied in various tests, likefunctional module test, overall test and pressure test, to secure the system stability andfulfill the main functions of the system.Based on CNT (computer networking technology) and image processingtechnology, online scoring, also known as paperless scoring, separates answer sheetfrom the papers. The students fill in the answer sheet and their answers are scanned intothe computer. The scanned images will be cut into several sections and the scoringstandards are set for each section. The objective questions are automatically marked byimage identification module, while the answers of the subjective questions will bescored by teachers via the scanned images. The total score comprises of the two partsabove.The results show that, this online scoring system is of good stability and interactionfunction. It can not only improve the scoring efficiency and justice, but also relieve the teachers from paper scoring and make scientific analysis of scores possible, which inturn improves teaching efficiency...
Keywords/Search Tags:online scoring system, B/S framework, system integration
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