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Design And Implementation Of Electronic Business System For Financial Enterprise Based On WEB

Posted on:2014-02-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330425967975Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The E-commerce can be seen as a business transformation, business use of theInternet-based means of modern electronic information enterprises full integration ofeconomic activities in order to achieve the increase in value, improve efficiency, reducecosts and improve the competitiveness of enterprises aim this Web-based technology,research and financial enterprise e-commerce systems, mainly for the followingresearch work.Firstly, the study of the financial enterprise e-commerce system softwarerequirements analysis and outline design, e-commerce system will present a majorfinancial firms develop ideas, developing content with the goal of building; buildinggoals for the system then analyzes the e-commerce system functional requirements,environmental needs, system use case requirements, and a summary of the systemdesign, the design of the system structure, the logical structure of the database tablesand logical process, the final set up e-commerce system data flow.Secondly, the main research of the financial enterprise e-commerce system for thedetailed design and implementation of part of the design of the financial enterprisee-business operational processes, detailed design of the financial business e-commercefunctionality; using ASP.NET technology architecture system, the use of SQLimplementations scalable runtime on the server B/S structure of the business system.Use existing Web services technology, the development of a compliance featureenterprise-class Internet e-commerce system, comes to managing online transactioninformation, ensuring data security online.Finally, the testing and analysis of enterprise e-commerce business unit of thefinancial system, according to the software testing needs, a clear system test objectivesand test plans for e-commerce functionality for system user login test, add data, dataquery, data deletion functional testing, and to finance the operation of the enterprisee-commerce system performance testing and analysis, the system test results.Web services technology topics for research is a systematic and detailed process,and on the basis of the theoretical research design, implementation, a typical base B/Smode of the financial industry, e-commerce systems, understand the Web servicestechnology has significantly important theoretical value and practical significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:E-commerce, Financial firms, Web services, B/S mode, Database
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