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Design And Implementation Of Stock Management Of Commerce Online Store

Posted on:2014-01-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J YanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330425962277Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of society and continuous improvement of science technology, the stockpile management system has become a necessary part of overcomes the disadvantage of labour control,saves the business of processing time and improves economic returns.But although general stockpile management system is easily developed, it can’t meet enterprises’ all kinds of needs. For example, for most of the chain, using the traditional techniques of inventory management system is difficult to develop cross-platform, cross-firewall and other functions.In order to solve this problem, deciding to develop a commerce online store stock management system, which building a model based on B/S and MVC technique and using ASP.NET and JavaScript techniques for the foreground of the system,the backstage database is SQL Server, the program is C#. The system including customer infomation management, company infomation management, project infomation management, contract infomation management, data querying management, statistical analysis of data, system maintenance management.The dissertation finished the works of business requirements analyzing a,system design, detailed design,system implement and test by using the standardized procedure of software engineering.The system has been running in the company, which has good in various aspects and customer satisfaction. The workflow of media stock management is more limpid and normative,and this system have increased the work efficiency.
Keywords/Search Tags:Electronic Commerce, Information Management, Database
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