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Design And Implementation Of Electric Power Standardization Job On-the-spot Management System

Posted on:2014-05-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330425961648Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, there have been a lot of reminiscent of Jiu xin production accidents in the electric power enterprise operations, in the final analysis is still often question-equipment without it, management is not strict timing. For the problem of the repeated, must implement the system locale standardization task to reduce the probability of similar incidents as soon as possible. With the Aba Autonomous Prefecture of national power company began to develop the power grid, will first increase the device hardware facilities, with the increase in the number of hardware equipment, repair, testing the work pressure will increase with the effect, form a coherent, at this time can be standardized management information system of electric power operation is proposed to solve the problem of coherence.Through a lot of data about this aspect and in-depth investigation, from the ABA electric power standardization job on-the-spot requirements starts, the ultimate goal of a link between MIS and the reality of the information, a thorough research on its, and conducts the research to the power of the service life of the related technology, combined with software in rapid prototyping and information will be a full analysis of the ABA national power company power standard operating management system requirements, the system contains various features and related technology, the development potential is still standard system of locale standardization task in the current market environment are summarized, and the two a database platform J2EE operating system, SQL Server2008are described in detail, and using Struts as the software system based on the analysis of the full range of, until the implementation of the ABA power company power standard operating system as a solution to the problems mentioned before strategy.As long as the standard operating management system complete and perfect, will directly to the test and application, we in2012April will be in the ABA power company on the standardized operation management system to conduct a comprehensive trial, the test also found between theory and practice of the system of difference and deficiency, thus further improve the shortage of local. Through locale standardization task management system is designed to give workers a live operation standard, to standardize the system of a standard to reduce and avoid the probability of the accident, the standard operation management system for the advantages of high safety (site industry, high quality construction, more concise operation) are highlighted, and finally to the national power grid operation to achieve the desired level, it is gratifying effect of this system in testing period is very satisfactory, the evaluation of all very high. From this view, the standard operation management system in2012August officially launched the national grid plan will soon realize, but does not directly replace the original system, the real instead of the original system also need a period of textual research.
Keywords/Search Tags:electric power, standardization, Struts, SQL, MVC
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