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Research On Social Service Of The University Libraries

Posted on:2014-11-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J FengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330425486773Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
It is require ment for the deve lopme nt of era and society to provide society-serving in the univers ity librar ies pro vide good services for teaching a nd scienceresearch; they sho uld be open to other fields in society. It is benefit to shar inginformatio n resource、meeting the deve lopme nt require ment o f socia l culture andecono my, improving people thought and promoting the constr uctio n of democraticand harmonio us society. Providing socialized service in the academic libraries is therequire ment for their develop ment. It can increase the utilizatio n rate of literature, andenhance the conscious ness of socia lized service, a nd take full advantage ofinformatio n resource, promote the develop ment of teaching and scie nce research.This paper give first place to the comb inatio n theoretica l ana lys is and emp ir ica lanalys is method which the latter is give n prior ity to the paper, wit h the comparativeanalys is method is comp le mentary, ana lys is of the status quo and proble ms of socia lservice in University Library, and put forward some suggestions to improvethe deve lopme nt of the socia l service of University Libraries. The thesis is dividedinto five chapters. The first chapter is introduction. The second chapter defines therelated basic concepts, and feasib ility of soc ial service of univers ity librar y. The thirdchapter ana lyzes the current situatio n, proble ms and causes of socia l ser vice ofunivers ity library. It is fro m the three aspects of starting time, content and for m ofservice, open ratio, ana lyzed the deve lopment s ituation o f socia l service o f universitylibrary in the present sta ge, and proposes the proble ms of univers ity lib rary’s socia lservice, that is, perception problem, ma nage ment and institutiona l iss ues, inte llectua lproperty iss ues, shortage of relating po lic ies and regulations and insuffic ient fund ing.The fo urth chapter introduces the specific conditio ns of univers ity library to deve lopthe social ser vice in the United States, Germa ny a nd Japan, summed up the lessons ofexperience, and put forward a feasib le sche me to improve the soc ial ser vice ofunivers ity libraries in china. The last but not the least chapter put forward thecounter measures and suggestio ns to improve the le ve l of socia l service of universitylibrary, ma inly inc ludes the improve me nt of socia l service of univers ity librarysecur ity mecha nis m (polic y and le gal secur ity, resource secur ity, personnel secur ity,financ ia l security) and the socia l service way divers ification, etc.
Keywords/Search Tags:Unive rs ity Libraries, Se rvice Me thod, Socie ty-se rving
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