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Analysis On Brand Marketing Strategy Of ViVi In The Digital Background

Posted on:2015-02-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C ZhangFull Text:PDF
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The female fashion magazines have achieved rapid development sinceChina’s reform and opening up, becoming one of the most popular categoriesin the periodical market. The digital wave has rushed over us in the21stcentury, and the Internet and various digital media have emerged. In thisbackground, the new consumption market takes on a fragmental trend, and thetraditional periodical sector is facing many new opportunities and challenges.ViVi, the leader of the female fashion periodicals in China, has built relativelymature enterprise culture. More and more homogenous periodicals, however,are coming into existence, and the readers are becoming more and morerational for their choices. In this case, the insufficient brand competition hasrestricted ViVi from further development. In consequence, it has become thekey driving force for ViVi’s future development to carry out the branchmarketing strategy and make it a brand periodical.The paper, based on the brand marketing theory, studies the brandmarketing strategy for ViVi by means of data collection, investigation, and caseanalysis. First of all, ViVi is facing the global challenge under the influence ofthe macro environment, which mainly reflects on the impact of global financialcrisis, deteriorating Sino-Japanese relations, and digital development over theperiodical advertising and distribution. With the downturn of advertising anddistribution, the profit model of the fashion magazines are transferring fromadvertising marketing to brand marketing. And the fashion periodicals will facemore severe market competition. Second, although ViVi has made some goodattempts in the digital background such as building the concept with focus onbrand marketing, and diversified brand communication modes and the like,more should be done, including similar brand positioning, neglecting theaudience’s demand in the brand communication, insufficient brandcommunication channels, blind and inefficient brand communication meansand so on. Finally, based on the change of ViVi’s brand marketing environment and the current status of its brand communication, the following threeguidelines are put forward to carry out the brand marketing strategy: differentbrand positioning, brand communication integration, and brand extension. Thedifferent brand positioning strategy shall focus on different brand positioningand different target audience demands to adapt to the highly divided audiencemarket. The brand communication integration strategy shall integrate thecontent, the media channels, and the communication means to achieve aconsistent brand voice. Two methods are proposed for the brand extensionstrategy: the first—to enter the new sub-divided market in the original regions;and the second—to develop the new market with the powerful influence of theoriginal brand.
Keywords/Search Tags:Digital, ViVi, Brand Marketing
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