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Analysis And Design Of Warehouse Management System For Community Supermarkets

Posted on:2014-02-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H P ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330425471135Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Warehouse management is an indispensable part of industry and enterprise production management. The information management in traditional warehouse management uses artificial way, which paying a lot of manpower to fill in forms, documents, books, cards and documents. Since the information is constantly changing over time, the warehouse data are need to be summarized and counted according to different classification, resulting much duplicate registration and transcribed. This manual mode not only wastes manpower, but also that the processing speed is slow, prone to error, not convenient for query and lack of comprehensive, greatly reducing the use of the value of information. Thus, it is difficult to meet the needs of modern warehouse management. With the development of computer and automation technology, warehouse management is more intelligent and scientific. Establish a comprehensive warehouse management system is necessary for enterprise to improve management mode and the competitiveness in the future.On the basis of the background and actual needs of enterprise warehouse management, this dissertation takes the research on development of community supermarket warehouse management system as application background, designing and implementing a warehouse management information system based on SSH. The system can achieve stock-in and stock-out management, Warehouse inventory management and statistics. What’s more, it has a friendly interface and well to meet the basic needs of warehouse management. The main contents of this dissertation include:1. On the basis of analysis on the system construction goal, combined with practical application background, elaborate the warehouse management system demand analysis, including functional requirements and non-functional requirements, meanwhile, discusses the development and operation of environmental systems.2. Based on system specific design principles and the results of requirements analysis, describe the system architecture design, the division of system module, and design of business process. Focus on the system interface, storage systems, data backup and recovery, and system security design.3. Based on the description of the system deployment architecture, use the object-oriented analysis and modeling techniques to design some modules of system.The system is constructed on the basis of actual demands of enterprise warehouse management. The realization of basic daily warehouse management will help improve the efficiency of administrators, reduce user workload to optimize warehouse management and improve warehouse economic efficiency, achieving the desired effect.
Keywords/Search Tags:Warehouse Management System for Supermarket, J2EE, SSH
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