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The Design And Implementation Of The Air Transport System Based On Improved Genetic Algorithm

Posted on:2014-01-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q GaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330425465076Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In this paper, on the basis of learning and study of the geneticalgorithm, combined with flight line problem in this paper give thecorresponding adjustments and improvements of the genetic algorithm andbased on this algorithm design a flight line optimization geneticalgorithm. Finally a air transporting system is designed and implemented.The algorithm designed is applied to the system. And in practice provethe reliability and availability of the algorithm and system.The main work of this paper is reflected in improvement of the geneticalgorithm, i.e. the design of the genetic algorithm-based flight lineoptimization algorithm, specifically the following points:1. The chromosome coding stage. A coding scheme based on a naturalnumber is given, the airport distribution center and all the demand pointscoded by different natural numbers. This coding scheme has brought a lotof convenience for the work in the next phase; each new natural numberstands a new arrangement of flight line.2. Fitness evaluation function design stage. In this paper, make adeal with both excellent individuals and poor individuals. Make excellentindividuals try to preserve and propagate down and poor individualseliminated as soon as possible. This treatment of individuals of good andpoor at the same time speeds up the implementation of the algorithm, andimproves efficiency.3. The selection, crossover and mutation stage. The introduction ofelite program and probability program makes the elite individuals move directly to the next round of breeding, avoiding elimination of eliteindividuals. Probability program goes with a certain probability duringthe selection, crossover and mutation stage. The roulette algorithm isused during the selection phase, making individuals with larger fitnesseasier to enter the next round of breeding.Based on this, design and implement of a B/S structure based airtransporting system; this system mainly uses the PHP dynamic web pageprogram language, and the free open source MySQL database. The mainfunction of the system is as follows:1. Administrator can login and enter the background of system tomanage the system, change passwords, etc.2. Flight resource information management. Add, delete, modify andquery of flight information.3. Customer information management. Add, delete, modify and query ofcustomer information.4. Delivery management. Use the flight line optimization algorithmbased on genetic algorithm designed in this paper to automatic ship orthe administrator manually ship, and shipping information query.Finally a summary of the full text of the work, lists the currentinadequacies, and points out the direction of the follow-up work.
Keywords/Search Tags:genetic algorithms, flight line optimization, air transportingsystems
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