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The Competitiveness Research Of Special Focus

Posted on:2015-01-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Special Focus periodical founded in October2000, sponsored by the media group,director of Hubei province, is the domestic first to middle-aged men as the main target ofreaders of publication. Throughout the development of Special Focus thirteen years, itpublications to accurate position, rich cultural connotation and unique brand strategy to winthe recognition of the people, from the initial sales tens of thousands of copies ofpublications to keep single phase circulation in4million, circulation, ranking second in thecountry, its economy is competitive on the domestic market are numbered. Behind thecompetitiveness, is more of a special attention to the magazine itself in editing, contents,brand, distribution and other magazines of comprehensive competition and contest. In thedevelopment process of Special Focus self-correcting, self innovation constantly, make thepublication as the change of The Times still stand in the position of spiritual civilizationconstruction in our country, and the coordinated development of social economy and culturein China. Today, periodical development is faced with many problems and difficulties:journal of propaganda means the problem of the missing, original content and lack ofplanning, suffering the impact of new media, etc. Face these problems, the Special Focus tomake a lot of analysis, adopt the corresponding countermeasures, such as continuouslyconsolidate and expand the readership, increase the communication with readers of fixedplatform; Foster international vision, and actively open up the network with the internationalmarket; From the whole layout to achieve print media. These positive behavior SpecialFocus to a new level, continue to create the legend of the abstract class journal of "darkhorse".This paper adopted the method of comprehensive analysis, the whole thesis is dividedinto six parts. The first chapter of Special Focus inductive development by stages, itsdevelopment history can be divided into: initial, finalize the design period, mature period,and the present situation of the review magazine, present a Special Focus progress in thedevelopment process, this is the next step research background in this paper. The secondchapter describes the Special Focus in the industry competitiveness of competitiveadvantages and disadvantages, with large established publication and current affairspublication magazine Readers rookie Vista To See The World and the competitiveness of the alternatives. The Special Focus is discussed in the third chapter is competitive, includingediting concept, marketing strategy and brand competitiveness three aspects ofinterpretation. This chapter is the focus of this paper, by analyzing the Special Focuscompetitiveness, to continue the research results of the following chapters. The fourthchapter discusses the success of the Special Focus of the development of cultural industry ofour country’s enlightenment. From set up the consciousness of market, to seize opportunities;Attaches great importance to the core product development, brand extension effectperspective can be reference to the development of cultural industry. The fifth chapterdiscusses the problems of the Special Focus faced with dilemma, from lack of propaganda;Original and planning; Three aspects of the impact of the new media depth profiling itspredicament. Chapter6, which is based on the fifth chapter, puts forward the Special Focusin the current environment and measures to cope with the situation, from the readers toconsolidate and expand; Actively open up the network with the international market; Allmedia layout to analyze.Full text in order to research on the competitiveness of the Special Focus as the basis,stick to the current periodical publishing industry sustainable development stage of practicalproblems, through the case study, seek the general law of contemporary integrated abstractjournals, in order to attract the industry development path of contemporary journals fordeeper exploration and thinking, and at the same time provide comprehensive abstractjournal published some reference significance of reality.
Keywords/Search Tags:Special Focus, marketing, brand, new media
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