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Design And Implementation Of An Online Music Notation System

Posted on:2014-08-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330422463220Subject:Communication and Information System
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of Internet technology, digital music has brought ahuge difference to people’s daily lives. In the field of music e-learning, musicdigitization technologies such as music courseware have been widely used. Music score,which is the core medium of music, however, are mostly existed in static forms such aspictures. In this case, this thesis aims to design and implement a n online music notationsystem which can be used both in PCs and web systems, meeting the demands forhigh-interactive music scores in music e-learning systems, thus boosting the usage ofmusic digitization technology in music e-learning.After a detailed investigation of current music e-learning systems and commercialmusic notation softwares, following work have been done in this thesis:1) A musicnotation software core has been designed and implemented, and a music notationsoftware has been implemented using this core. This software provides users with aWYSIWYG music notation environment. It has powerful functions, supporting musicnotation, score play back, and importation and exportation of MusicXMLs.2) To solvethe problem of lacking interactive music scores in c urrent music e-learning system, amusic notation web-plugin has been implemented using the core mentioned above,allowing students to answer the questions involved with music scores by editing scoresdirectly. It supports configuration of questions’ correc t answers and judgment of answersthat students have made. On the other hand, this online music notation system isscalable, and it can be used in any potential aspects in music e-learning systems whereeditable digital music scores are needed in future.The online music notation system that this thesis has designed and imple mentedsolved the problem of lacking interactive musical scores in current music e-learningsystems. It can be used in multi circumstances where interactive musical scores areneeded like online music courseware and online music exercise. This system is powerful,and it has passed the system testing successfully.
Keywords/Search Tags:music education, e-learning, musical score, online music notation
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