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The EClassOWL Ontology And Its Application In The Field Of E-Commerce

Posted on:2014-09-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330401478988Subject:Industrial Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Ontology, which comes from a philosophical concept, is given a new definition in the field of Information Science and Computer Science. In the particular area, ontology is usually used to describe the specialized vocabulary and the link between vocabularies in the form of a series of formal shared vocabulary. Since ontology is structured and systematic and it can also do intelligent reasoning, ontology theory has a wide range of applications and considerable development in the field of computer science. E-commerce, as an interdisciplinary of information science, economics, business and computer science, has adapted to the rhythm of worldwide economic today. Trade activities and has become a trend. The description of product information and the transaction information should be more accurate, unified, clearly defined and standardized, which is urgent for the development of e-commerce. The demand can be achieved by building product ontology, hierarchy classification and property description.In this paper, we design a method to apply ontology to describing product information on the web page. We (1) introduce theoretical background of eCl@ss Classification Standard and eClassOWL ontology,(2) describe Resource Description Framework and structured data testing tools, mainly introduce the norms of usage of semantic annotation technology RDFa,(3) combine eClassOWL and RDFa to apply to HTML, take four merchandises of Haier for example, make semantic description in HTML, use structured data testing tool to extract structured data, and achieve describing product information as designed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ontology, eCl@ss, eClassOWL, RDFa, Structured data test
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