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Design And Achivement Of Online Test System At School Of Tar Of Central Radio And TV University

Posted on:2014-06-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L QiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330401465800Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the increasingly clear division of social labor and constant development ofscience and technology, more and more requirements have been laid on workers’ scopeof knowledge, technical merits and basic skills. As growing demand for expertise, thejudgments on the overall quality of laborers become more concrete and specific. Laborswill be legally qualified in certain fields, only if they have passed several qualifyingexaminations and been admitted by the government by receiving paper-basedqualifications. Therefore, vocational qualification appraisal is important for those whowork in some specific fields. Currently, traditional tests could no longer meet the socialrequirements. The blossomed development of Internet has provided us with anotherroute. No longer wasting a lot of social resource and time as the traditional paper-basedtests, the on-line tests are not only proved to free the candidates from the restriction oftime and space, but also significantly improve its quality and efficiency. The web-basedexamination system can largely make use of the superiority of the internet. Large,efficient and shared problem libraries will be built, cost for tests will be lowered, timeand fees will be saved, and evaluation results will be more straightforward, accurate andmore objective.In this thesis the significance, the application prospect and the content of theresearch on the on-line test system will be thoroughly discussed. Theory and relativetechnology including the model tools, development tools, system structure, databasedesign, auto-generating algorithm and exam assess will also be fully described.We have built up the on-line exam system according to the principles stated above.Feasibility study, system analysis, database design, system realization and running havebeen taken in this system, which finally demonstrated its achievement of the intendedgoals.
Keywords/Search Tags:Web technology, on-line test, auto-generating, exam assess
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