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Research And Development Of Remote Configurable Software System Of The Terminal In The Workshop And Its Management Platform

Posted on:2014-05-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q S ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330392972438Subject:Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The embedded terminal used to connect plan layer and device layer is in the heartof the manufacturing enterprise information system. Its configurability, expandability,and reliability on workshop applications are the key points of the manufacturing processinformation. Discrete and diversified production equipment, various and changeableproduct types, the frequent reorganization of manufacturing resources, the complexproduction environment in current workshop, cause that traditional terminal softwaresystem structure and its management method already haven’t meet requirements.Therefore, regarding the terminal software system and its management platform as theresearch object, this paper explores the remote configuration technology, and theauto-update and fault-tolerance of terminal software system, and verifies theoreticalcorrectness and systematic practicality through the development of a prototype system.Firstly, the problems of terminal application in the discrete workshopmanufacturing process and integration patterns are analyzed, and functionalrequirements of each part in this pattern are described. Thus, the overall architecture ofremote configurable software system of the terminal in the workshop and itsmanagement platform based on BC/S model is built.Secondly, the key technologies of remote configurable software system of theterminal and its management platform are studied, including the remote configurationmethod for terminal software system, mainly involving man-machine interactiontechnology based on B/S, and auto-update technology based on C/S and P2P, andeasy-extension fault-tolerance method for multi-applications, achieving exceptionauto-management.Finally, based on the study of architecture and key technologies for softwaresystem of the terminal and its management platform, the prototype system is developed,which obtains a good application effect.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Embedded System, Web Technology, P2P Technology, Auto Update, Fault Tolerance
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