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Exploration And Practice Of Information Technology Environment Of Classroom Teaching Model Of Self-organization

Posted on:2015-02-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2267330428996420Subject:Modern educational technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The development of the information society puts forward new demands on theability of students, they should organize themselves and use information technologyto improve the ability of autonomic learning. But studies show, many schools still usethe traditional teaching and teaching model,"take the student as the center" is difficultto achieve. With the wide application of self-organization theory, educationresearchers began to pay attention to view of self-organization theory about theelements of the system to organize and develop itself, which has important guidingsignificance to the study of autonomic learning. Teaching system is self-organizing,students as an element of the system can learning by themselves under certainconditions. While information technology by virtue of its advantage, can createconditions for self-organizing learning. So, how to construct the teaching model ofself-organization and use in the practice of classroom teaching under the informationtechnology environment, to promote learner autonomy has become the focus of thisstudy.Dissipative Structure Theory and Synergetics Theory as a guide in this study, atthe same time infusing the information teaching into the study. Under the environmentof information technology, the study constructed the classroom teaching model ofself-organization, and proposed teaching structure and operating procedures.According to the operation procedure, the study designed teaching process and put itinto practice. Finally proved under the information technology environment,application of self organizing teaching in the primary school classroom teaching, willencourage to learners organizing themselves, provide ideas and methods for theresearch on the cultivation of students’ autonomic learning ability. The studysummarizes application of the principles and practice strategies of the environment ofinformation technology of classroom teaching model of self-organization. Operationaland effective methods provide practical reference for educators.This study is divided into five chapters:The first chapter is the introduction part mainly elaborated research background,status, significance and method of the environment of information technologyclassroom teaching model of self-organization. Focuses on the analysis of the current research development of self-organization theory and self-organization theory appliesto the teaching, put forward construction and practice of classroom teaching model ofself-organization under the environment of information technology to promote thestudy of students autonomic learning.The second chapter introduces the theory of self-organization, self concept andcharacteristics of this teaching model. By the information-based teaching idea,analyze the information technology environment on the construction and practicefrom the key role of the teaching model of self-organization.The third chapter mainly narrates the construction technology of classroomteaching model of self-organization under the environment of information, includingfactor analysis, teaching structure, operation procedure and evaluation of teaching,provides the methods and steps for teaching practice.The fourth chapter is the practice research on information technologyenvironment of classroom teaching model of self-organization. According to theanalysis results, the teaching contents and design of teaching process, put the teachingmodel into practice. Select two examples, summarize self-organizing learningphenomenon, reflect on the advantages and disadvantages of classroom teachingmodel of self-organization. To verify the teaching model of self-organization in theinformation technology environment helps to arouse the students’ interest in learning,promote students’ autonomic learning.Application of the principles and strategy of practice in the fifth chaptersummarizes the information technology environment of classroom teaching model ofself-organization, use of summarization self-organized teaching model factors, andmake prospects for future research.
Keywords/Search Tags:Self-organization, the teaching model, information technology
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